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Former mayor of Béziers, Alain Barrau, has died at the age of 74

Alain Barrau, the former mayor of Béziers from 1989 to 1995, passed away on the night of Friday to Saturday, at the age of 74. It is his son Jean, who announces this news on his Facebook account. “My father was carried away within 36 hours by a violent infection following an operation which had become necessary. My father left quickly, of course, but very gently and surrounded, at one of the rare moments when my mother, my sisters and I are in the same part of the world, in the same city. “ Alain Barrau had been the victim of a stroke two years ago, which had greatly reduced it.

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This socialist, a graduate of Sciences Po, had been elected deputy for the first time in 1986 in the 6th district of Hérault, before being defeated in 1993. In 1981, the Biterrois was named knight of the National Order of Merit and knight of the Legion of Honor in 2017. In 2008, he was appointed Director of the Information Office for France of the European Parliament.

Alain Barrau had succeeded Georges Fontès as mayor of Béziers, himself deceased in March 2020

Two ceremonies are planned to show him respect. First this Thursday, July 29 in Paris, in the church of Saint-Jacques du Haut-Pas, in the fifth arrondissement. A tribute will then be paid to him in Béziers on Monday August 2 at 10 a.m. in the Saint-Nazaire cathedral. The cremation will take place in Béziers in the privacy of his family.

” Those who knew my father adds his son Jean, know his commitments, of course, from popular education to international solidarity without forgetting the partisan political commitment and the mandates and the European fight, but my father, it was first and foremost an extraordinary love for people, for others, a deep repulsion for inequalities and domination, and an eternal activist for this “social utility” that he, with my mother, tried to instill in us deep within ourselves.”

In a press release, the current mayor of Béziers Robert Ménard expresses “its great sadness”, “Our city is indebted to it for several important achievements, from the creation of the Maison de la vie associative to the long-awaited displacement of the hospital center via the launch of the development from the Port Neuf district. ” “I will not forget his taste for courtesy and his sense of proportion. He has been an actor in the history of our city. He will be missed.”

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