Home » today » Entertainment » Former “Jelly Sister” Yang Chenxi Announces Marriage and Pregnancy with a Baby Gender Reveal Party-Good News Spreads Quickly

Former “Jelly Sister” Yang Chenxi Announces Marriage and Pregnancy with a Baby Gender Reveal Party-Good News Spreads Quickly

The former “Jelly Sister” Yang Chenxi registered her marriage to a builder named Qiu this year. Good news spread quickly after the two got married. She was more than 5 months pregnant and held a baby gender reveal party on the 17th, announcing that she was about to welcome a daughter. And named her “Little Dragon Girl”.

▼Yang Chenxi held a baby gender reveal party. (Picture/reproduced fromYang Chenxi IG

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The 39-year-old actress Yang Chenxi once gained popularity on a children’s TV station, then moved to the entertainment industry and expanded her diversified side businesses. After experiencing a relationship with Da Fei (Wu Zhiqing) for nearly 10 years, they announced their breakup on April Fool’s Day 2021. After that, she started a new relationship with a builder named Qiu, and in November this year, good news spread, announcing that she was pregnant.

Yang Chenxi admitted that she felt a mixture of joy and sorrow, as if she was having a sauna. She said that pregnancy was a gift from God and she was willing to let nature take its course. Yang Chenxi also mentioned that after celebrating her birthday in August, she accidentally found a pregnancy test stick at home. The pregnancy test results surprised her. When she shared the joy with her builder boyfriend, they both responded calmly and finally decided to leave. Enter the palace of marriage.

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▼Yang Chenxi announced her pregnancy on IG. (Picture/reproduced fromYang Chenxi IG

▼Yang Chenxi wrote 74 words on IG to announce that she was pregnant. (Picture/reproduced from Yang Chenxi’s IG)

According to the “ETtoday News Cloud” report, Yang Chenxi held a baby gender reveal party on the 17th. She also revealed that despite being an advanced pregnant woman, she said that the doctor did not recommend an amniocentesis test, and the results of the mid-pregnancy test also showed that everything was good. The atmosphere of the party was joyful, and many artists and friends participated in the event, making it an unforgettable and joyful event. Yang Chenxi said that her family already knew the gender of the baby, so they specifically chose to hold the party in a hotel to avoid leaking it in advance.

▼Yang Chenxi revealed that she had just celebrated her birthday and suddenly found a pregnancy test stick at home. (Picture/reproduced fromYang Chenxi IG

▼Yang Chenxi revealed that she had just celebrated her birthday and suddenly found a pregnancy test stick at home. (Picture/reproduced from Yang Chenxi’s IG)

Yang Chenxi laughed and said that her husband was very happy about the upcoming birth of their daughter, and even secretly cried once after learning that it was a baby girl. Yang Chenxi is full of expectations for her future life. She nicknamed her baby “Little Dragon Girl” and looks forward to welcoming the birth of her baby girl in April next year. As for the discomfort in early pregnancy, Yang Chenxi said that her appetite has gradually improved, and the symptoms of cough and morning sickness have gradually alleviated. She revealed that she had been tested for Down syndrome and other tests during her early pregnancy check-up. Although she was an advanced pregnant woman, the doctor did not think that amniocentesis was necessary, which made her relieved.

In order to welcome the arrival of the baby, Yang Chenxi also revealed that arrangements have been made for a confinement center, but she jokingly said that her belly is not big at the moment, she just feels bloated. She is full of expectations for the future, hoping to welcome the arrival of a new life with joy and happiness. Although the whole reveal party took a lot of thought and cost, Yang Chenxi thinks it is very worth it.

(Cover image/reproduced fromYang Chenxi Facebook

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