A former Indian lawmaker and his brother were shot dead on live television while they were out for a morning walk in their home state of Uttar Pradesh. The disturbing footage, which has gone viral on social media, showed gunmen approaching the two men and opening fire. The victims were identified as former legislator Jitendra Singh and his sibling, who was a local businessman. Local police officials said they have launched an investigation into the incident and were examining CCTV footage and other evidence to identify and apprehend the attackers. The motive for the killings remains unclear, and no group has claimed responsibility so far.
The incident has sparked outrage in India, with politicians and activists taking to social media to express their condolences and call for justice. Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted that he was “anguished by the tragic demise” of Singh and his brother, and added that the “perpetrators of this heinous crime will not be spared”. Meanwhile, opposition leader Rahul Gandhi condemned the incident and said it was “shocking and unacceptable” that someone could be killed on live TV.
The killings come amid a surge in political violence in Uttar Pradesh, which is India’s most populous state and a key battleground in national politics. Over the past few years, there have been several instances of political workers and activists being targeted by rival groups. The state is currently ruled by the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which has been accused of using violence and intimidation to stifle dissent and opposition.
The incident has also raised concerns about the safety of journalists and media professionals in India, who have been increasingly targeted in recent years. According to the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), India is one of the deadliest countries in the world for journalists, with at least 52 media workers killed since 1992. In the past few months, there have been several high-profile cases of journalists being murdered or attacked, including the brutal killing of a newspaper editor in the state of Maharashtra and the beating of a TV news anchor in the capital New Delhi.
The government is facing criticism for its failure to protect journalists and uphold press freedom, with many activists and rights groups accusing it of trying to control the media and suppress critical voices. In a statement, the CPJ called on Indian authorities to conduct a thorough investigation into the killings of Singh and his brother and to ensure the safety of journalists and media workers in the country.
The incident is a grim reminder of the challenges facing India’s democratic institutions and the need for stronger protections for the country’s citizens, including journalists and political activists. It is also a call to action for India’s leaders to do more to promote peace, tolerance, and respect for human rights, and to hold accountable those who commit acts of violence and terror.