Home » today » News » Former Hanura Chair Wiranto Visits Gerindra Leader Prabowo Subianto with Democratic Advisory Council Supporter Marzuki Alie Present

Former Hanura Chair Wiranto Visits Gerindra Leader Prabowo Subianto with Democratic Advisory Council Supporter Marzuki Alie Present


Former Ketum Hanura Wiranto visited Ketum Gerindra Prabowo Subianto at his residence today. During the moment of the meeting, it was seen that the Chairperson of the Democratic Advisory Council supported Moeldoko, Marzuki Allie at location.

detikcom’s monitoring at the Garuda Yaksa Padepokan, Bogor Regency, Monday (1/5/2023) Marzuki seen attending with the ranks of Gerindra management. He was wearing a patterned black and brown batik waiting for Wiranto to appear in front of the hermitage.

He was seen standing side by side with other Gerindra officials such as Secretary General Ahmad Muzani, Deputy Advisory Board Mochamad Iriawan or Iwan Bule to Deputy Advisory Board Hashim Djojohadikusumo.

In addition to Marzuki, present at the location of the Former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Jimly Asshiddiqie. He is seen wearing a black cap with a blue batik.

Jimly also had time to wait for Wiranto’s arrival. Both Marzuki and Jimly then entered the meeting room.

For your information, the former General Chairperson (Ketum) of the Hanura Party visited the private residence of Ketum Gerindra Prabowo Subianto this afternoon. Wiranto’s arrival was in order to establish friendship.

Marzuki Alie-Jimly Asshiddiqie Seen When Prabowo Receives Wiranto’s Visit (Dwi Rahmawati-detikcom)

detikcom’s monitoring at the Garuda Yaksa Hambalang Padepokan, Bojong Koneng, Babakan Madang District, Bogor Wiranto Regency arrived at 17.25 WIB. Wiranto came wearing a white shirt with brown pants. Similar to the ranks of Gerindra who have been waiting for him.

Wiranto and his entourage came using a tourism bus.

Previously, Prabowo and the board members of the Gerindra DPP were seen waiting for Wiranto in front of the house. The Secretary General of Gerindra, Ahmad Muzani, to the Deputy Advisory Council, Iwan Caucasians, were seen.

“It was a little foggy earlier,” said Wiranto.

“Hospitality,” said Prabowo when asked about the agenda later.


2023-05-01 13:20:10

#Marzuki #AlieJimly #Asshiddiqie #Prabowo #Receives #Wirantos #Visit

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