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Former GROM soldier advises what a “survival backpack” should contain

Almost every day there are new warnings about Russia’s aggressive intentions, and Russian missiles striking Ukraine periodically fly through Polish airspace. The situation is unsettled, and therefore the Government Center for Security has indicated that “each household member should have a separate backpack, ready to be put on one’s shoulder.” A general list of guidelines on what should be included in such a backpack has also been prepared.

For more detailed advice Business Insider asked Andrzej Kruczyński, a former GROM officer.

What should a “survival backpack” contain?

RCB said, among other things, that it is worth taking filter bottle with spare filter. – Water is of course the basis, it is much more important than food – said Andrzej Kruczyński. A filter bottle is a better choice than a stock of regular water bottles due to weight. The supply may also simply not fit in your backpack.

RCB also advised to be prepared “meals for two days”. A former GROM officer advised energy bars in this case because they have a long shelf life, are relatively light and give a lot of energy.

Continuation of the material below the video

In the event of a crisis, there may be problems with access to the Internet. That’s why it’s worth having with you battery operated radio. It is also important mapbecause it is not certain whether we will be able to count on applications in the event of an emergency.

A current map of the area can be printed in advance from online tools such as QGIS. Andrzej Kruczyński also advised that the map be wrapped in foil to protect it from flooding. It is also best if it is a topographic map and that you keep a compass or compass next to it.

Another point that RCB reminds us is respiratory/protective masks. What? Certainly “Covid” masks are an absolute minimum. In its ranking, Business Insider recommended a “compromise” respiratory mask for PLN 80. Of course, there are also civilian masks whose price exceeds PLN 1,000. zloty.

Important elements of a survival backpack include cutlery, knife, and pliers. It may be useful too a can opener or even a crowbar. If we were forced to spend the night in the forest, it would certainly come in handy warm sleeping bag.

Everyone should have one with them too spare cash, first aid kit and documents (and copies thereof). All this wrapped in foil. Next – flashlight, garbage bags, spare clothes, rain jacket, ankle boots, gloves, goggles, glasses and earplugs.

“Let’s also add it to the backpack a few rubber bands, string, a notebook and a pencil. It is very important clamp band (although this one should be in the medicine cabinet). A lighter or soap we should have it at home too. (…) The set should also be supplemented with the well-known ones from the times of the pandemic antibacterial gel” – says Business Insider.

As we read, the “optimal” backpack is cost over PLN 900 for each family member.

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