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Former Garuda Indonesia President Director Charged with Corruption in Aircraft Procurement


Former President Director of PT Garuda Indonesia Emirsyah Satar was charged with corruption related to the procurement of CRJ-1000 and ATR 72-600 aircraft, which resulted in state losses of USD 609 million or Rp. 9.37 trillion. In this case, Soetikno Soedarjo said the prosecutor received USD 1,666,667.46 (USD 1.66 million) and Euro 4,344,363 (4.344 million Euro) or if totaled in rupiah, around Rp. 96,983,972,700 (Rp. 96.9 billion)

“Committed acts of enriching oneself, or other people or a corporation, namely enriching the Defendant Emirsyah Satar or enriching other people, namely Agus Wahjudo Hadinoto Soedigno, Soetikno Soedarjo or enriching corporations, namely Bombardier, ATR, EDC/Alberta sas and Nordic Aviation Capital Pte, Ltd (NAC), which is detrimental to state finances or the state economy, namely detrimental to state finances Cq PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, a total of USD 609,814,504,” said the prosecutor when reading out the indictment at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Jalan Bungur Besar Raya, Jakarta. Center, Monday (18/9/2023).

“Soetikno Soedarjo amounted to USD 1,666,667 and EUR 4,344,363,” added the prosecutor.

Soetikno Soedarjo is the owner of PT Mugi Rekso Abadi (PT MRA), PT Ardyaparamita Ayuprakarsa (PT AA) and Hollingworth Management International (MRI). Soetikno is also an intermediary (commercial advisor) who represents the interests of Avions de Transport Regional (ATR) and Bombardier.

The prosecutor said there were five alternatives for procurement of sub-100 aircraft, namely Comac ARJ21-900, Bombardier CRJ-1 000, Embraer ER-190, Sukhoi SSJ 1 00 and Mitsubishi MRJ90. However, only two fleets met aircraft availability in 2012, namely Bombardier and Embraer.

“Taking into account that the selection of the sub-100 fleet is market availability and mature aircraft, Bombardier and Embraer are aircraft manufacturers that are already mature in the market, apart from that the need for sub-100 seaters is for 2012, and which can meet “There are only two aircraft available in 2012, namely the Bombardier CRJ-1 000 and the Embraer E190,” he said.

The prosecutor said Emirsyah changed the aircraft assessment criteria by using NVP and RR calculations where economic criteria were the most important assessment, while other criteria were not a priority. The change in assessment criteria also favored the CRJ-1 000 aircraft over the Embraer E-190 aircraft.

“Changing the criteria assessment method that won Bombardier as ordered by the Defendant Emirsyah Satar,” said the prosecutor.

Meanwhile, Emirsyah Satar made a profit of USD 200,000 and SGD 1,181,763 (SGD 1.181 million).

“The defendant Emirsyah Satar amounted to USD 200,000 and SGD 1,181,763,” said the prosecutor.

The prosecutor believes that Emirsyah Satar violated Article 2 Paragraph (1) and Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption Crimes Jo. Article 55 Paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.


2023-09-18 23:45:21

#Prosecutor #Soetikno #IDR #Billion #Allotment #Related #Procurement #Garuda #Aircraft

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