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Former Dusakawi manager under investigation for signing a contract with his own daughter

A prosecutor from the Cesar Section charged Arístides Loperena Mindiola, former manager of the Dusakawi Indigenous Health Provider Institution (IPSI), as allegedly responsible for the crime of violating the legal or constitutional regime of disabilities and incompatibilities.

The facts for which he is being investigated are related to the signing of an “other if”, held on April 1, 2019, with characteristics of a fixed-term employment contract, in which his daughter Aricelda appears as legal representative Loperena Vega.

According to the Prosecutor’s Office, with this action, not only the incompatibility of the statutes of the and IPSI in question would have been contradicted, but also the violation of the rule that prohibits public servants from hiring people with a degree of consanguinity.

According to the investigative entity, Loperena Mindiola, he would have extended the term of the contract, changing the name of the position from head of budget to accounting and financial coordinator, being aware that he would have committed a mistake, still maintaining the salary assignment that did not correspond to the position initially defined.

With his compartment, the defendant would have harmed the protected legal right of the public administration without any justification and a different behavior was required of him.

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