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Former Democratic Party Leader Indicted for Involvement in Political Funds Scandal and Bribery

It was revealed on the 15th that the prosecution indicated in the indictment that former Democratic Party leader Song Young-gil, who was arrested and indicted for the ‘Democratic Party National Convention money envelope incident’, was frequently reported on the details of the money envelope creation by his aide, Park Yong-soo (arrested and indicted). In addition, the prosecution wrote in the indictment that former CEO Song requested support for his out-of-town support organization, the ‘Institute for Peace and Living Problems (Muksayeon)’ and reflected the supporter’s demands in his general election pledge.

According to former CEO Song’s indictment submitted by the Ministry of Justice to the office of People Power Party Rep. Jeon Joo-hye on this day, the prosecution stated that former CEO Song was reported on the details of the creation of ‘off-balance-sheet funds’ by Park Yong-soo, a former aide to him. In former Representative Song’s indictment, the prosecution said, “Former Representative Song had already had experience in public office elections and party leadership primaries several times, so he was fully aware of the need for off-balance-sheet funds,” adding, “He used ‘camp off-balance sheet funds’ that were difficult for him to raise on his own.” ‘ He gave authority to manage related matters to Mr. Park, who was in charge of the primary campaign work as his closest aide and senior aide.”

Former representative Song Young-gil, who is suspected of being involved in the ‘distribution of envelopes of money at the Democratic Party of Korea National Convention’, is leaving the court after completing the interrogation of the suspect before arrest (substantial examination of warrant) held at the Central District Court in Seocho-gu, Seoul last month. /News 1

◇ Yoon Kwan-seok, laid out envelopes of money in front of Song Young-gil and said, “I will deliver it well.”

The prosecution determined that former Representative Song was also informed that Lee Seong-man, an independent lawmaker from the Democratic Party, and Mr. Kim, a businessman who was called a ‘sponsor’ of former Representative Song, delivered 10 million won and 50 million won, respectively, to former Representative Song’s camp. In addition, regarding the fact that former Representative Song’s camp officials delivered 20 money envelopes ‘for distribution to active National Assembly members’ containing 3 million won each to independent lawmaker Yoon Kwan-seok (arrested and indicted) on two occasions, the prosecution said, “Former Representative Song provided the cash through Mr. Park. “We were aware of the need and approved raising the funds,” former CEO Song’s indictment states.

The indictment also included circumstances in which Rep. Yoon received 10 additional money envelopes and showed them to former Representative Song immediately after distributing the first 10 money envelopes on April 28, 2021. The prosecution said, “Former Secretary General of the Democratic Party Lee Jeong-geun delivered 10 envelopes of money to Rep. Yoon at the primary campaign office, and Rep. Yoon met former Representative Song at the office, placed the paper envelopes on the table and said, ‘I will deliver them to the lawmakers.’ “We had a conversation with the purpose of:”

The prosecution also reported that in 2021, former Vice President Lee Jeong-geun said that former CEO Song discussed ways to raise operating expenses for activists at the camp organization headquarters with Kang Rae-gu, a former standing audit committee member of the Korea Water Resources Corporation, and that former member Kang is working hard to raise the costs. Even after receiving a report to this effect, they did not stop or dissuade the fraudulent plan to raise and use funds, but instead asked, “Do you need a lot of money?” and approved the plan to raise and use off-balance-sheet election funds at the organization headquarters level.

When former representative Song received a report from Kang Rae-gu (arrested and indicted), a former standing audit committee member of the Korea Water Resources Corporation, that money envelopes were also delivered to Democratic Party regional headquarters heads, the prosecution praised Song for “a good job” and acknowledged the fact that money envelopes had been delivered. Even though it was there, it was written in the indictment.

◇Meoksayeon sponsors’ demands are reflected in the pledge… Song’s close associate, nuclear power company representative “opposes nuclear phase-out”

According to former Representative Song’s indictment submitted to the National Assembly on this day, the prosecution disclosed in detail the circumstances and process, including how Muksayeon, which was licensed and registered as a ‘public interest corporation’ under the Ministry of Unification, supported former Representative Song’s political activities. It is said that Muksayeon used corporate funds to create 1,000 tumblers with former CEO Song’s name and handwritten messages engraved on them and delivered them to former CEO Song’s supporters, and also paid 92.4 million won for opinion poll analysis and consulting fees. In addition, the prosecution revealed that Muksayeon paid for the cost of refreshments at a gathering of lawmakers supporting former leader Song.

The prosecution believed that former representative Song used the Muksayeon as a so-called ‘payment window’ to avoid the legally stipulated sponsorship limit of the National Assembly Supporters’ Association. The prosecution said, “Former CEO Song told her supporters, ‘If you donate to a food charity, you will have the effect of supporting former CEO Song by avoiding the annual donation limit of 5 million won or the regulation that political funds cannot be supported with corporate or group funds. “We actively informed them that they could do it,” the indictment said.

In the indictment against former CEO Song, the prosecution also stated, “Former CEO Song received a separate report on the sponsorship details and also individually expressed gratitude to the sponsors.” Former CEO Song has been arrested and indicted on charges of receiving illegal political funds of 763 million won through a food association.

The prosecution stated in the indictment that when former representative Song was running for National Assembly, he received 103 million won in illegal donations from Mr. A, the director of a rehabilitation hospital in Gyeyang-gu, Incheon, which is his constituency, and also reflected Mr. A’s demands in his own pledge while receiving illegal donations of 103 million won. . The prosecution said, “Mr. A (at his first meeting with former CEO Song) explained to former CEO Song, ‘We are planning to build a new general hospital in Gyeyang-gu, Incheon.’” “Afterwards, Mr. Park (an employee of Muksa Yeon) reported to A. “I met him and indirectly asked him to donate to the Food Research Institute, and said that it would require 10 million won per month to operate,” he said.

Accordingly, the prosecution’s investigation found that Mr. A transferred 10 million won per month for six months, and 2 to 3 million won per month thereafter, to the Meoksayeon. Next, former CEO Song is said to have included in his pledge to run for the 21st general election in 2020, “We will attract a general hospital to Gyeyang-gu, Incheon.” It was also found that immediately after being elected as a member of the National Assembly, he made an inspection visit to the hospital where Mr. A was working, and even had a dinner with Mr. A that evening.

In addition, when former CEO Song received support from Mr. B, the representative of a nuclear power plant equipment manufacturer, former CEO Song’s special advisor for the Jeonnam region conveyed to Mr. B his position that ‘Former CEO Song is opposed to the Moon Jae-in administration’s nuclear phase-out policy.’ The prosecution wrote in the indictment. It is said that they showed an appearance of rebelling against the Moon Jae-in administration’s nuclear phase-out policy at the time in order to receive support from the representative of a nuclear power plant company. This special adviser encouraged Mr. B to donate to the Muksayeon, saying, “There is a need to actively support former CEO Song.” Afterwards, Mr. B is said to have donated a total of 75 million won to the Muksayeon.

After receiving a request from Park Yong-ha, former chairman of the Yeosu Chamber of Commerce and Industry, regarding permission to build and expand an incineration facility in the Yeosu National Industrial Complex, former CEO Song introduced a former director of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport to former chairman Park, and this person made 12 phone calls to officials at the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. It was also found that . Former Chairman Park donated a total of 350 million won to the Food Industry Association, of which the prosecution viewed 40 million won as a favor related to permission for the construction of a new incineration facility in the Yeosu National Industrial Complex and also charged him with bribery.

According to the indictment, an aide named Park, who received former Chairman Park’s request, first provided former Chairman Park with the contact information of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport officials, and later, former Chairman Song introduced Mr. C, a Democratic Party policy researcher and former director of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, to former Chairman Park. They say he gave it to me. The prosecution said, “Mr. C actually called the officials at the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport 12 times between July and September 2021 regarding the application for a change in development plan related to the incineration treatment facility, checked the progress, and said, ‘Please review carefully.’”

Former Democratic Party leader Song Young-gil is giving an acceptance speech after being elected as party representative at the Democratic National Convention on May 2, 2021. /News 1

◇”We also discussed SNS posts in the Telegram room, including the lawmakers’ office and food talks.”

The prosecution determined that former CEO Song was the one who actually transformed the Muksayeon, which was licensed and registered as a public interest corporation under the Ministry of Unification, into a ‘private outlying organization.’ In the indictment, the prosecution said, “Around November 2019, former CEO Song judged that Muksayeon was insufficient in performing its role as an ‘outer organization,’” and “decided to promote reorganization by changing the personnel composition of Muksayeon, and appointed Mr. Lee. “When recruiting him as a director, he gave him a role to function as an external organization that supports his political activities and performs assistive duties,” he wrote. Mr. Lee, who was recruited as the director of the Muksayeon, summarized the operation plan of the Muksayeon and reported it to former CEO Song. It is said that this also included the need to hire experts with a so-called ‘friendship network’ as full-time personnel.

Prosecutors say that since January 2020, Muksa Yeon has not conducted any activities such as research on unification plans, which is its own purpose, and instead recruited people who could be helpful to former CEO Song’s political activities. He stated that he was actually assisting him.

From February to April of that year, Mr. Lee, the director of Muksayeon, personally met with political figures to request support for former CEO Song and reported the results to former CEO Song. From June of the same year, Muksayeon supported former CEO Song’s SNS activities. In order to do so, it was investigated that a message for external use was delivered to an aide in the lawmaker’s office.

In August of that year, a two-day, one-night joint workshop was held between aides from the National Assemblyman’s office and the National Assemblyman’s Association, and later, a ‘Telegram’ messenger chat room was created in which officials from the Assemblyman’s office and the National Assemblyman’s Association participated to share former Representative Song’s schedule, press releases, It is said that they also shared SNS posting materials with each other.

Meanwhile, since being arrested and indicted, former CEO Song has maintained that it is an “illegal exercise of prosecutorial power” and that it is “political revenge and a separate investigation.” Previously, former CEO Song also said, “(The illegal political funds claimed by the prosecution) were not received by me, but were money that came into the official sponsorship account of Muksa Yeon, and this is a matter that has been officially and transparently reported.” In December last year, he said, “A businessman who agrees (with the purpose of running the Food Association) made a voluntary donation, but what does that have to do with me?” and “I have not engaged in political activities to the point where I would sell my professional conscience for 40 million won.” I also did it.

2024-01-15 12:23:09
#단독 #Yoon #Kwanseok #shows #money #envelopes #Song #Younggil #deliver

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