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Former Chinese Premier Li Keqiang Dies Suddenly at 68: A Look Back at His Career and Controversies

Last November, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz visited China, and then Prime Minister Li Keqiang held a press conference in the Great Hall of the People. (Photo by Kay Nietfeld/picture alliance via Getty Images)

[Yahoo News Report]CCTV reported that former Premier Li Keqiang died of a sudden heart attack yesterday (26th) in Shanghai at 0:10 a.m. today (27th) after resuscitation failed. He was 68 years old.

Li Keqiang has made few public appearances since he stepped down as Premier of the State Council in March this year. On September 2 this year, Li Keqiang publicly visited the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang. This was the last time he appeared in the public eye.

At the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2007 during the “Hu-Wen era”, Li Keqiang was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and entered the core of the highest power of the Central Committee. Li Keqiang was re-elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012 and the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2017. He was also appointed as Vice Premier of the State Council and Prime Minister of the State Council in March 2008 and March 2013. Li Keqiang was re-elected in 2018. , served as prime minister for 10 years, and was succeeded by Li Qiang in March this year.

At the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on October 22 last year, the outside world originally expected that Li Keqiang would be re-elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, and would be transferred to the chairman of the National People’s Congress in accordance with the situation of former Prime Minister Li Peng. However, when the list was finally announced, Li Keqiang not only was not re-elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, Moreover, he is not among the members of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and has completely withdrawn from the core leadership, which “surprised” the outside world.

Before the list was announced, the scene of the closing meeting of the 20th National Congress was also impressive: the meeting was held in the Great Hall of the People. At that time, the voting for three personnel elections ended and the media were allowed to enter; the media captured former General Secretary Hu Jintao flipping through the table. The document was later blocked by Li Zhanshu beside him. Xi Jinping, who was on Hu Jintao’s right, noticed the situation and signaled his close secretary, Kong Shaoxun, deputy director of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, to come and inquire. Afterwards, the staff present arranged for Hu Jintao to leave the venue. When Hu Jintao walked behind Xi Jinping, he once looked at Xi Jinping and spoke to him, and then was asked to leave by the staff. Before Hu Jintao left the scene, he patted Li Keqiang on the shoulder again. Li Keqiang and Hu Jintao both came from the Communist Youth League, and the outside world has always believed that Li Keqiang has Hu Jintao’s trust. Afterwards, Xinhua News Agency stated on its English Twitter account that Hu Jintao left the event because he was “not feeling well.” There was no explanation of the incident in China.

Reminiscing about Li Keqiang’s famous sayings

On October 22 last year, at the closing meeting of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Hu Jintao was asked to leave the venue. When Hu Jintao walked behind Xi Jinping, he once looked at Xi Jinping. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images)

Before Hu Jintao left the scene, he also patted Li Keqiang on the shoulder. Li Keqiang and Hu Jintao both came from the Communist Youth League, and the outside world has always believed that Li Keqiang has Hu Jintao’s trust. After the meeting that day, the CCP announced the list of members of the 20th Central Committee. Not only did Li Keqiang not remain as a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, but he was also not on the list of Central Committee members, having “completely retired” from the core of the CCP’s power. (Photo by Kevin Frayer/Getty Images)

Li Keqiang visited Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes in September.

In 2011, he visited Hong Kong to stir up security controversy.

During his tenure as Vice Premier of the State Council, Li Keqiang visited Hong Kong for three days from August 16 to 18, 2011. At that time, Li Keqiang visited Lam Tin Laguna City for a home visit and participated in the centenary celebrations of the University of Hong Kong, which caused a series of security controversies.

In addition, Li Keqiang was accused of being arranged by the school to sit on the colonel’s chair while attending the University of Hong Kong’s anniversary event, which caused controversy. According to the usual practice, the supervisor’s chair is arranged for the supervisor (Hong Kong Governor/Chief Executive), deputy supervisor, and principal to sit down. At that time, it was said that Li Keqiang was visiting as a guest and had no status at HKU, questioning the willingness of HKU to National leaders surrendered. The Hougang University campus explained that Li Keqiang was sitting on a VIP chair, not a supervisor’s chair.

As Premier of the State Council, Li Keqiang has also expressed his opinions on Hong Kong affairs many times, including publicly stating his “support for the SAR government to stop violence and chaos in accordance with the law” during the “anti-extradition law amendment” period in 2019. Regarding the restructuring of Hong Kong’s electoral system, Li Keqiang once stated that the approach was to uphold “patriots governing Hong Kong.”

Regarding Li Keqiang’s relationship with Hong Kong, please see another article for details.

On August 18, 2011, Li Keqiang (middle) went to the University of Hong Kong to attend the centenary celebrations. (Photo by Sam Tsang/South China Morning Post via Getty Images)

Communist Youth League background gained Hu Jintao’s trust

Li Keqiang was born in Dingyuan County, Anhui Province on July 1, 1955 in Hefei. He joined the Communist Party of China in 1976. In 1977, China resumed its college entrance examination, and Li Keqiang was among the first batch of students admitted to the Law Department of Peking University after the re-examination. After graduation, he also received a doctorate in economics from Peking University while working.

Li Keqiang is one of the representatives of the “Communist Youth League”. Since 1982, he has served as Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Peking University, Secretary of the Central Secretariat of the Communist Youth League of China, and Vice Chairman of the All-China Youth Federation. He also served as the first member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League from 1993 to 1998. secretary. In addition to Li Keqiang, former General Secretary of the Communist Party of China and former President Hu Jintao were all from the Communist Youth League.

In 1968, 13-year-old Li Keqiang (front row, right) took a photo with his friends.

Li Keqiang (middle-aged) took a photo with his friends in Hefei when he was a young man.

He was accused of concealing the AIDS outbreak when he was in power in Henan

In June 1998, Li Keqiang entered the local system and was appointed deputy secretary of the Henan Provincial Party Committee. He became governor in February of the following year. In December 2002, he became secretary of the Henan Provincial Party Committee and director of the Standing Committee of the Henan People’s Congress; he also served from 2004 to 2007. During this period, he served as Secretary of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress.

Around the turn of the millennium, large-scale AIDS transmission occurred in central China, with Henan Province being the hardest-hit area. It is estimated that at least 300,000 people there were infected. One of the main causes of the AIDS outbreak is the emergence of the “plasma economy”. Farmers and grassroots people earn income by selling blood. Improper blood drawing and blood transfusion processes increase the chances of the victims being infected with hepatitis B and AIDS. Although Li Keqiang carried out China’s first provincial-level AIDS census when he was in charge of Henan, he always blocked information during his tenure, and the incident did not affect his career in the end.Former Chinese Ministry of Health official who has been following the incidentChen Bingzhong once questionedLi Keqiang has an unshirkable responsibility, “Li Keqiang has not repaid his old debts, so what qualifications does Li Keqiang have to be prime minister?”

Li Keqiang was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee at the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2007, and was later appointed as a member of the “Central Financial and Economic Leading Group”. At the National People’s Congress the following year, he was also appointed as the number one Executive Vice Premier of the State Council, the outside world has basically confirmed that he will succeed Wen Jiabao as Premier of the State Council.

Wenlou Village, Shangcai County, Zhumadian City, Henan Province is one of the well-known “AIDS villages”. During the AIDS epidemic in Henan Province, people continued to need medical treatment in the village. (Photo by Josephine Ma/South China Morning Post via Getty Images)

“The Economist” established the “Keqiang Index”, which was once named “Li Keqiang Economics”

China’s economic data has been accused of being “watery” in the past, making it difficult to grasp the true economic situation from the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics. When Li Keqiang became Secretary of the CPC Liaoning Provincial Committee in 2007, he told Clark Randt Junior, the U.S. Ambassador to China, that he preferred to measure the economic situation by the province’s railway freight volume, electricity consumption and the amount of bank loans. This was later adopted by the British “Economist” magazine, which named it the “Keqiang Index” in 2010 to measure China’s economy.

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In addition, Chinese economist Huang Yiping once published a report while working at Barclays Capital, evaluating the economic policy pursued by Li Keqiang as “Li Keqiang Economics” (Liconomics). Although Li Keqiang has never explicitly mentioned it, Huang Yihua summarized the three major policies of “Li Keqiang Economics” as “no stimulus measures”, “deleveraging” and “structural reform”, and advocated delegating power to the market.

Li Keqiang studied law at Peking University as an undergraduate, and later obtained a doctorate in economics from Peking University. Among all the prime ministers of the People’s Republic of China so far, Li has the highest academic qualifications. (Photo by Ding Haitao/Xinhua via Getty Images)

Comments on the failure of the new coronavirus to promote the “street stall economy”: the most vulnerable prime minister

During the COVID-19 epidemic, as China pursued a “clearance policy” and strict blockade measures severely hit the economy, coupled with the Sino-US trade war, Li Keqiang needed to take measures to ease the recession. Among them, Li Keqiang proposed the development of a “street stall economy” in 2020, referring to providing jobs through roadside stalls, but in the end the overall help was not great; by the end of last year, demonstrations against “dynamic clearing” broke out in many cities in China, and President Xi Jinping After the decision to abandon the policy, China’s economic crisis took a breather.

Some outside comments indicate that Xi Jinping does not quite recognize Li Keqiang’s economic philosophy. Originally, Li Keqiang’s PhD background in economics and his role as Premier of the State Council allowed him to have greater leadership in economic affairs, but in the “Xi-Li Era” In the process of centralizing power, Xi Jinping has weakened Li Keqiang’s policy maneuvering space. The Economist once commented that Li Keqiang has become China’s “most vulnerable” prime minister in modern times. Statistics once compared the number of media exposures of Li Keqiang, Wen Jiabao and Zhu Rongji and found that Li Keqiang’s number of media exposures during his second term as prime minister was far less than that of Wen and Zhu.

In addition, in 2020, China officially announced the completion of “poverty alleviation”. However, at the press conference of the third session of the 13th National People’s Congress at the end of May of the same year, Li Keqiang stated that “the average monthly income of 600 million people with low and middle incomes and below. “It’s only about NT$1,000” caused heated discussion, and the topic was quickly restricted in the mainland. Li Keqiang’s remarks were interpreted by the outside world as another voice besides the official announcement of “poverty alleviation.”

During the “Two Sessions” in March this year, Li Keqiang resigned as Premier of the State Council after the first session of the 14th National People’s Congress. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images)

His wife, Cheng Hong, specializes in teaching English and his father was a county magistrate.

In terms of family, Li Keqiang and his wife Cheng Hong married in 1983 and have one daughter. Cheng Hong, who was born in 1957, was admitted to the People’s Liberation Army Foreign Languages ​​Institute in Luoyang after the college entrance examination was resumed in 1977. After graduation, he went to Tsinghua University for further study. Later, he was introduced to Li Keqiang by a friend. After graduation, Cheng Hong taught in the Foreign Languages ​​Department of Beijing Institute of Economics, the predecessor of Capital University of Economics and Business, and studied for a doctorate. Cheng Hong once visited the United States as a visiting scholar. After returning to China, she continued to promote literature and translate foreign literary classics. Both Li Keqiang and Cheng Hong have excellent English proficiency. Cheng Hong has also accompanied Li Keqiang on many official foreign visits as the wife of the Prime Minister of the State Council.

As for Li Keqiang’s father, Li Fengsan (1915-1999), he was also a member of the Communist Party and participated in the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. After the CCP came to power, Li Fengsan served as deputy secretary of the Fengyang County Party Committee and county magistrate of Fengyang County, Anhui Province. However, he was later labeled a “corrupt element” and was later rehabilitated. When the Cultural Revolution broke out, Li Fengsan was criticized by the Red Guards when he was the president of the Intermediate People’s Court of Bengbu City, Anhui Province. After the Cultural Revolution, he was rehabilitated by Wan Li, secretary of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee. After Li Fengsan was rehabilitated, he was responsible for the local chronicles of Anhui Province until his retirement.

On July 9, 2018, Li Keqiang and Cheng Hong met with German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (first from right) and his wife Elke Buedenbender (second from left) in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Arne Immanuel Bänsch/picture alliance via Getty Images)

#Premier #State #Council #Keqiang #passed #age #month #public #appearances #visited #Hong #Kong
2023-10-27 06:15:45

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