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Former BBC boss apologizes to Prince William for Diana interview | Royals

entertainment">Hall was the boss of the BBC from 2013 to 2020, but in 1996 led an internal investigation into Diana’s much-discussed conversation with reporter Martin Bashir. Earlier this year, an independent investigation revealed that the interview was arranged by providing false information. The BBC went to deep into the dust.

entertainment">“I have a lot of respect for the prince. I have worked with him several times in the past and I am terribly sorry that this has hurt him. I wanted to make that clear,” said Hall, who has not yet spoken to the prince. The former television boss says that ‘at the time we did what we thought was right at the time’. Now he finds that Bashir should have been fired.

Anxiety and paranoia

entertainment">Prince William lashed out at the BBC after the outcome of the new investigation. According to the Duke of Cambridge, Britain’s public broadcaster contributed ‘significantly’ to Diana’s ‘anxiety, paranoia and isolation’. “The interview was a major contributor to the deterioration of my parents’ relationship and has hurt countless others since then,” he said. According to the prince, his mother, who died in 1997, had fallen victim not only to ‘a rogue reporter’, but also to ‘failing’ BBC bosses ‘who looked the other way instead of asking difficult questions’.

entertainment">William’s brother Harry also responded to the findings. He told several media that he saw the investigation as a “first step towards justice and the truth”.

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