So far, SDP has named a total of eleven candidates: three of them are members of parliament and one is current MEP Eero Heinäluoma.

Päivi Niemi-Laine, the former chairperson of JHL, the association of public and welfare sectors, and the current director of public relations, is running as SDP’s election candidate. OUTI LAKE
Former chairman of JHL, the association of public and welfare sectors Päivi Niemi-Laine is going to be SDP’s candidate for the European elections. Niemi-Laine from Helsinki is currently JHL’s director of social relations.
– The position of workers and companies in Europe must be stabilized. Europe and European countries need workers and companies to create prosperity. A fair working life needs European trade unions and employers’ associations to agree together on wages, working hours, well-being at work and the working life legislation affecting these, says Niemi-Laine in the SDP press release.
According to him, it is also necessary to develop the internal market, better identification of competence, and the development and dissemination of working practices at all levels of education.
– Public services support everyone’s success, create equality and security for employees and employers, as was seen during the corona virus, says Niemi-Laine
Resigned as chairman
Niemi-Laine resigned as chairman of JHL at the end of November.
– Deep differences of opinion with the SAK management are based on principle. I no longer saw it as possible to promote the development of wages for low-wage workers. It is a pleasure to continue to serve at JHL in positions where I can influence public services, Niemi-Laine said in the press release at the time.
He had served as chairman of JHL since 2016.
A day before Niemi-Laine’s resignation announcement, JHL announced that it would begin an investigation into the separation from SAK.
Chairman of Demarinuorten for nomination
In addition to Niemi-Laine, SDP announced two other candidates on Saturday. The chairman of the Demarine Youth from Lieper Emilia Kangaskolkka and Kemiläinen is a doctoral researcher at the University of Oulu Stay in Järvelä are also running as candidates.
Previously, SDP has already announced eight candidates. They are a learning coach from Kuopio Tanja AiraksinenDeputy Mayor of Turku Piia Eloa Member of Parliament from Espoo Maria GuzeninaMEP Eero Heinäluomamaster of economics and dance teacher from Oulu Miina-Anniina HeiskanenMP from Lappeenranta Suna Kymäläinenthe vice-chairman of Social Democratic Women from Forsa Emmi Lintonen and a member of parliament from Pirkkala Ville Merinen.
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