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Former attorney Ignacio Morales Lechuga responds to AMLO: “I am not spiteful”

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador criticized that the former Attorney General of the Republic and columnist for EL UNIVERSAL, Ignacio Morales Lettuce, expressed that “there had not been a president as bad, as bad as the one who speaks to you, for 90 years.”

“And I started to think, what did I do to that man? López Obrador expressed in his conference this Tuesday morning at the National Palace when recalling that Morales Lechuga was Attorney General of the Republic in the administration of Carlos Salinas de Gortari and he wanted to be a candidate for governor of Veracruz for the PRD when the head of the Executive was a leader of that party.

“You cannot advance without moral authority, you cannot leave pieces of dignity on the road, so I remember that a congress, of about 3,000, 5,000 people, I put the case in consideration of the assembly and the congress voted why not Sir will be accepted. Of course, a major problem was generated because all that leadership of the party in Veracruz resigned, left, we were left without any leadership and to look for a candidate”, he stated.

“But sometimes it is better to lose, leaving your dignity safe. It is not about succeeding at all costs without moral scruples of any kind. Then I remembered that topic and said ‘why does the man talk about us being the worst in the last 90 years’, because it is due to that, so there is a lot of anger because in this fight we have to face vested interests, privileges, Well, it’s normal that they don’t love us,” López Obrador added.

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In this regard, Ignacio Morales Lechuga reacted on social networks and told López Obrador that is not spiteful.

“President López Obrador has not done anything to me, and if he did, I do not remember, I am not spiteful. Those who have been harmed are Mexicans and especially the poor, ”wrote he, also the former ambassador of Mexico in France.

“If Sheimbaun wants to support Veracruz, we thank him, he needs a cleanup of state and municipal officials involved with drug trafficking and a justice that does not repress freedom of criticism with the crime of outrage. Easy, and another governor, because Cuitlahuac cannot,” Morales Luechuga wrote in another message.

“55 murders in Veracruz in 17 days. An example for the country,” he added.

Ignacio Morales Lechuga also criticized the appointments of the PRI Claudia Pavlovich, former governor of Sonora, and Carlos Aysa, former governor of Campeche, as representatives of Mexico abroad: “The professional career service in the SRE became the list of former PRI governors who want to look good with the leader.”

Also read: Ignacio Morales Lechuga.- 2022: New hopes

Former Attorney Morales Lechuga sees possible to prosecute AMLO

Morales Lechuga assured in an interview with Fernando del Collado, for the Latinus portal in October of last year, that there are sufficient elements of law to prosecute López Obrador.

In the conversation, the public notary also commented that there are several elements to incriminate President López Obrador, such as “for example, the signing of that memorandum so that the Constitution would not be applied, (which) is a challenge or a violation of the Constitution” .

Meanwhile, the person in charge of the then Attorney General’s Office (PGR) in the administration of Carlos Salinas de Gortari expressed that he does not see the President in the anteroom of the prison and that he would not like to see anyone else imprisoned for political errors, since “what I want is for us to be united”.

Asked if he believes that the 4T health policy during the pandemic is criminal, Morales Lechuga expressed that more than being a criminal policy, “it has lent itself to the number of deaths increasing instead of reducing” and in that sense he says not knowing that AMLO has also fulfilled his duty because his strategy “is an omission, a government clumsiness.”

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On the other hand, regarding being able to investigate López Obrador for complicity with organized crime, Morales Lechuga said that “there are elements to investigate everyone and the President is not and should not be the exception.”

Specific facts to initiate an investigation against López Obrador for complicity with organized crime, Morales Lechuga mentioned: “the culiacanazo”, a failed operation that led to the freedom of Ovid Guzman; Greetings to the mother of “El Chapo” Guzman and “many other defensive comments from drug traffickers.”

Fernando del Collado questioned the collaborator of EL UNIVERSAL about the possibility of investigating the President for corruption, to which Morales Lechuga pointed out that “the government itself is very opaque, it does not reveal anything” so he does not know if there are businesses within the administration federal.

However, with respect to corruption by relatives of López Obrador, he assured that “there is proven evidence. (Well) when we talk about public resources that are used for private purposes, we are talking about corruption.”

It should be noted that regarding his interaction and presence on social networks, Ignacio Morales Lechuga said that on average, he makes four to five posts a day in which he tries to “give as many warnings as possible (to the president) so that he does not make a mistake and get back on the right track.”

“Sometimes (AMLO’s) vision is very limited and domestic,” the notary also expressed in Mexico City.

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