Home » today » News » Former Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner denounces “scandalous” IMF loan contracted by Macri administration

Former Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner denounces “scandalous” IMF loan contracted by Macri administration

Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner released a video on her social networks on Thursday in which she insisted that the debt contracted with the IMF during the administration of Mauricio Macri as head of the Executive is “scandalous.” The post of the former president occurs hours after the General Audit of the Nation (AGN) will approve this Wednesday by majority the study that detected irregularities in the loan that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) granted to Argentina during the Macri government. This is the first audit to be carried out on an agreement between the credit agency and the country.

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According to the report made, the magnitude and characteristics of this agreement had an “adverse impact on the structure of the debt and its risks.” This is due to the fact that the agreed amount -of almost 57,000 million dollars- represents 127 times the indebtedness capacity of Argentina in the organism, as explained by the auditor general Francisco Javier Fernández.

In his post this Thursday, CFK presents a video: “What you are going to see and hear in this 5:16 minute video is not the opinion of a political party or an opposition leader, it is the result of the report approved by the General Audit Office of the Nation that details the enormous number of violations to the law committed in the granting and subsequent execution of the loan of the International Monetary Fund. The General Audit of the Nation is the constitutional body that, by article 85 of the Magna Carta, has the control of legality, management and audit of all state activity. Look at it! It’s scandalous what they did and what happened!” says the Vice President.

After a while, he published the rest of the video: “In this second part, which we could title ”Manganet Chronology“details how the Macri officials exchanged roles and functions to commit this scam to all the Argentine people”, concluded Cristina Kirchner.

What the AGN report says

During the meeting on Wednesday, the general auditor, Francisco Fernández -in his capacity as president of the Public Debt Supervision Commission- explained the “main findings of the report” and the importance of this audit as it is the first to be carried out on an IMF loan.

The meeting was held in the Eva Perón Room at the AGN headquarters, with the participation of its head, Jesús Rodríguez, and the general auditors Miguel Ángel Pichetto, Francisco Javier Fernández, María Graciela de la Rosa, Juan Ignacio Forlón, Gabriel Mihura Estrada and Alejandro Snows.

By approval of the report signed by the auditors Fernández, Forlón, De la Rosa and Mihura, while for the negative they pronounced Pichetto, Nieva and Rodriguez.

The document warns about a multiplicity of regulatory and technical irregularities. Among the first, the lack of authorization of indebtedness, of application of the specific processes for multilateral loans and of an opinion of the Central Bank (BCRA) that addresses its impact on the balance of payments stand out.

The auditors also highlighted that the agreement was signed by officials who lacked the corresponding legal powers to proceed. The president of the BCRA, Federico Sturzenegger, and the Minister of Finance, Nicolás Dujovne, participated in the initial negotiation.

On the other hand, the report maintains that the proper technical evaluations of costs and risks were not carried out. Nor was the opinion of the Internal Audit Unit or any other type of effective legal advice requested when going to the IMF.

With agency information.


2023-05-18 22:22:44
#CFK #published #video #AGN #report #debt #IMF #Macri #government #scandalous

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