Home » Sport » Former Argentine Player Jorge Gabrich Receives Public Recognition from Pirata Fuente Football Training League

Former Argentine Player Jorge Gabrich Receives Public Recognition from Pirata Fuente Football Training League

Pedro Muñoz Zamudio/ Notiver

In a simple but emotional event, former Argentine player Jorge Gabrich received public recognition from the board of directors of the “Pirata” Fuente Football Training League directed by Antonio de la Fuente Ugalde.

Gabrich, who came to the Tiburones Rojos de Veracruz in the 90-91 season as a scorer since in the 89-90 season he was runner-up in scoring playing for the Freseros de Irapuato, only surpassed by two goals by his compatriot Jorge Alberto Comas who played for the Sharks.

Lupita Vargas always admired the Argentine goalscorer in the Tiburomania era.

From the hands of also former Sharks player, goalkeeper Edgar Melitón Hernández, scorer Jorge Gabrich received a trophy witnessed by children’s teams from this League such as Atlas, EFSA Camaroncitos and Legión Extranjera.

Jorge Gabrich with Tomás “Messi” Mundo who gave the scorer some advice.

Antonio de la Fuente, president of the “Pirate” League, Fuente gave a quick x-ray of who Jorge Gabrich was, who arrived in Mexico with the Freseros de Irapuato, and then went on to join Tiburones Rojos where he spent two years and then was champion with the Tecos. under the technical direction of Víctor Manuel Vucetich.

2023-10-15 00:07:22

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