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Former Aeroflot chief Glushkov dies in London: court finds he strangled

A court in London came to the conclusion that Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky’s business partner and former airline “Aeroflot“The head of Nikolai Glushkov, who was found dead in his house three years ago England in the capital, has been strangled, reports the broadcaster BBC.

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Glushkov, who had been granted political asylum in Britain in 2010 and who had allowed himself to be criticized by Kremlin owner Vladimir Putin, found dead in his house in March 2018. He left Russia on charges of stealing Aeroflot’s funds as deputy director.

In 2017, a Russian court sentenced him in absentia to eight years in prison.

On March 12, 2018, Glushkov, 68, had to appear in court in London to defend himself, but on the same day, his daughter found Glushkov’s body in the house.

It happened a week after the poisoning of Sergei Skrippa and his daughter with the war substance “Novichok” in Salisbury.

There is evidence in court that Glushkov’s death was deliberately attempted as suicide. The scene has raised suspicions for the doctors already called. In the autopsy, it was found that the tissue damage found on the corpse could have been caused by someone strangling them from behind.

However, no hand injuries have been found for the deceased, which would indicate a fight with the attacker.

However, gathering all the evidence, the court concluded that Glushkov died as a result of a planned murder.

The motives for the murder are still unclear, and there are no detainees in the case.

Glushkov was a close friend of the Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky, who was found hanging in his house in Britain in 2013. The investigation into Berezovsky’s death did not lead to a clear conclusion as to whether the businessman had committed suicide or been killed.

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