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Former AC Milan Captain and Manager on Messi and the Championship Fight at Porets cast by Giacomo Poretti

The words of the former AC Milan captain and manager on the Argentine and on the fight for the championship at Poretscast by Giacomo Poretti

He has hosted before Zanetti and now Maldini. Giacomo Poretti, one of the members of the trio Aldo, Giovanni and Giacomo, hosted the former captain and former Milan manager. And he, in the event staged in the theater, confessed: «For ten days we tried to bring Messi at Milan, but then we realized that it was impossible.”

«It’s late now but a footballer like that Messi it’s a show for everyone, when I read that he could go to Inter I was scared”, added Maldini on the many times the Argentine champion has been linked to the Nerazzurri in the past. And to the actor’s question about who wins the scudetto, Maldini replied: «Congratulations Giacomo, you have already won…». Giacomo’s team is obviously l’Inter. On the 2002 World Cup and the referee Moreno, the former player said: «Then the bad memory of the 2002 World Cup and Byron Moreno: “My wife speaks Spanish, so I told him all the swear words in the world in that language…”.

2023-11-22 22:03:57
#Maldini #bring #Messi #Milan #championship #Inter #won

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