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Forest rangers ask for peace in nature because of the start of the breeding season | NOW

The breeding season is upon us. This means that many birds will be sitting on their nests in the coming period, including on the ground. Given the ‘corona pressure’, various nature organizations are concerned about the peace in nature. That is why they are starting a campaign on Sunday to point this out to nature visitors.

Foresters of Natuurmonumenten, Staatsbosbeheer, Goois Natuurreservaat and LandschappenNL ask people in a joint action to take into account vulnerable animals and to treat nature with respect. “Stay on the paths, keep dogs on a leash and don’t leave any waste” is the motto.

The lockdown measures in connection with the corona crisis have resulted in a sharp increase in visitors to forests and parks, among others. The nature organizations applaud the fact that people have become more interested in Dutch nature, but also want to point out the vulnerability of the places. “It is important that visitors realize that they are entering Mother Nature’s nursery in the spring,” says forest ranger Ruben Vermeer at Natuurmonumenten.

The birds’ maternity period formally lasts from March 15 to July 15, but in some places nesting has already begun. In addition to birds, the spring garland also strikes mammals. The whole spring is all about mating and giving birth, as well as new and growing plants and flowers.

Nevertheless, nature remains open, the organizations emphasize. Most of the trails are constructed in such a way that there is enough room for the animals to retreat, they say. Vulnerable areas are closed in connection with the breeding season.

To remind people of the birth explosion, signs and banners will be hanging from this week with the text “Welcome to Mother Nature’s nursery”.

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