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Forest Fire Prevention Day, Archaeology Day, Olga Viza, Robert Redford and Patrick Swayze – Today’s Facts


The news of August 18 is marked in Today’s Facts by the names of Elena y Reinaldo and for the birthday of the Italian composer Anthony Salieri.

Today is celebrated the Forest Fire Prevention Day Precisely in such a difficult year, not only in Spain, but in many countries around the world. It is about raising awareness among the population of the need to care for and preserve our forests, and to take extreme precautions.


On this day in 1492, the first edition of the Grammar of the Spanish Language of Antonio de Nebrija; in 1936 the poet, playwright and prose writer was shot dead Federico Garcia Lorca; in 1958 Vladimir Nabokov publishes his controversy Lolita; in 1971 Australia and New Zealand withdrew their troops from Vietnam.

Character of the day

Patrick Swayze (August 18, 1952 – September 14, 2009), American dancer and actor, star of films such as Ghost y Dirty DancingHe died of cancer.

His phrase

“Talking about my health overshadows the positive and the fight I am waging.”

“How do you promote a positive attitude when all the statistics say you’re a dead man? You go to work.”

They were also born a August 18th the American actor Robert Redford (1936), the Polish film director Roman Polanski (1933); the Italian composer Anthony Salieri (1750-1825), Emperor of Austria Francis Joseph (1830-1916), the Polish-American businessman Max Factor (1904), the president of Mexico Felipe Calderon (1962), the Spanish journalist Olga Visa (1958), the Dominican writer Alex Amaro (1977), the American actor Christian Slater (1969) and the Argentine footballer Esteban Cambiasso (1981).

Saints of the day

Elenaname of Greek origin and
which means “she who shines like a torch.”
Reinaldoname of Germanic origin
which means “one who has a divine gift.”

The joke

A group of prestigious surgeons discuss their latest operations. One of them says:

– The truth is that there is no one easier to operate than librarians.
– Why? the rest ask.
– Because when you open them you find everything in alphabetical order.
Another comments:
– It’s not true, there is no one easier to operate than a computer scientist.
– Why? the rest ask.
– Because when you open them you find everything arranged numerically.
Then the third one comments:
– It’s not true, there is no one easier to operate than a mechanic.
– Why? the rest ask.
– Because when you operate on them and then you see that you have extra pieces, they understand it and don’t get angry.


The English always start a colony with a bank, the Spanish with a church, and the French with a cabaret.


They call everything dinner,
even if it’s a taco with salt.

To read and meditate

Probe me, Lord, and test me,
examine my entrails and my heart,
Because I always have your love in mind
and I proceed according to your truth.
Salmo 26, 2-3.

God respects me when I work,
but he loves me when I sing.
Rabindranath Tagore

Even if a fountain of gold were to flow at every man’s door, men would not cease to fight one another.
Arabic proverb

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