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Forest fire in California – – Should boil bear urine

A 30-year-old self-proclaimed shaman from California risks up to nine years in prison if she is found guilty of starting a large forest fire that threatens thousands of homes in the north of the state, reports a number of American media.

On Monday morning, 41 residential houses and 90 smaller buildings were extinguished by the fire, which threatens another 2340 others, according to the authorities.

The woman denies criminal guilt. She has explained that she was thirsty and should only boil bear urine that she could drink.

BITTEN FIGHT: A large number of firefighters have been called in to fight the flames. Photo: Ethan Swope / AP / NTB
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Police do not trust the woman’s explanation, and are now investigating whether she is also behind other forest fires in California.

– Did not fire

According to court documents a local newspaper has gained access to, the “shaman” has in interrogation explained that last week she tried to go to Canada on foot. She became thirsty and came across a pond with what she assumed was bear urine – and tried to make a fire to boil the liquid.

The 30-year-old has further explained that “it was too wet to catch fire” – so she drank the liquid awkwardly, and continued on the walk.

EATING TERRAIN: In one day, the forest fire, which started just outside the state capital Sacramento, has grown eight times larger. Video from August. Video: Kameraone, AP / NTB
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In the meantime, it started to burn in the forest, and she had to call the fire brigade to get out.

The woman was asked to empty the pockets and belly belt she was wearing – among the contents were small gas containers, a lighter and a substance she admitted to having smoked earlier in the day, fire commander Matt Alexander has explained in questioning.

Discarded containers

The investigation has also revealed that workers at a local quarry saw a woman throw away two small gas containers similar to those found on the “shaman” the same day.

SEVERAL THOUSAND: Several thousand buildings are threatened by the forest fire.  Photo: Ethan Swope / AP / NTB

SEVERAL THOUSAND: Several thousand buildings are threatened by the forest fire. Photo: Ethan Swope / AP / NTB
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The fire commander concludes in the interrogation that it is “very likely” that the 30-year-old also started another forest fire the night before. At a press conference, State Attorney Stephanie Bridgett states that the woman is being investigated for fires in both Shasta County and other counties.

The woman is to be a doctoral student at a university in the state of New York. According to the defender, she has explained herself in a way that may indicate mental problems or “something to do with substance abuse”.

Shasta sheriff Michael L. Johnson tells the press that residents who have lost their homes and / or have been evacuated as a result of the fire are upset about the latest developments in the case.

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