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Forest fire calls for fire brigade in Göriach

A wildfire broke out on Friday in the Kasereck area at 1,950 meters above sea level. According to the special forest fire emergency plan, alarm level 2 was triggered immediately in order to alert other emergency services from Mauterndorf and Ramingstein. Until darkness, seven water transport flights and several reconnaissance flights could be flown by a police helicopter. However, “Fire Out” could not yet be reported. The operation was initially stopped at 10.30 p.m.

Fire fighting in Göriach is underway

On Saturday in the morning the Floriani moved out again, like operations manager Dominik Kössler from the Fire department Göriach in conversation with SALZBURG24. The firefighters are supported by comrades from Ramingstein, Mauterndorf, St. Michael and Unternberg.

Due to the exposed location, special fire and mountain rescue workers were flown to the area on Saturday morning. “We use firefighters with alpine experience to locate and extinguish nests of fire that are not recognizable from the air,” says district forester Martin Lohfeyer of the district administration Tamsweg on Saturday. Mountain rescuers secure the firefighters, who are equipped with fire-fighting backpacks to fight the flames in extremely steep terrain .

Spread of fire at the Kasereck stopped

“The spread of the fire has stopped. We expect to have completely tracked down and cleared the remaining embers in the course of the afternoon,” said Lohfeyer. In addition to the helicopter crews of the police and the Federal Army, 80 emergency services from the fire brigades Göriach, Mauterndorf, Ramingstein, Unternberg and St. Michael, the state fire brigade command, the Red Cross and the mountain rescue service are deployed. So far, more than 60 flights have been completed for fire fighting and transport.

(Source: SALZBURG24)

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