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Foreigners continue to wait weeks before they are allowed to work inside

As Právo has already informed, although the Czech consular offices abroad have been issuing work visas again in Ukraine and other countries since last month, the Ministry of the Interior has ordered its authorities that register foreign workers and issue them work permits not to accept them for security reasons before after 14 days from the day when these foreigners arrive in the Czech Republic.

Although the ministry abandoned this measure at the beginning of July, foreigners do not register foreigners in the asylum and migration policy department anyway, even after a month when they come to us.

Dates until September

Until then, however, they are not allowed to work and survive in hostels only thanks to advances from their future employers.

“They told us that August was full, that they would order us for the beginning of September,” told a businessman from Brno, who is trying to process registrations and work permits for two Ukrainians who might otherwise join his company this week. An official from the Brno workplace further informed him that they could theoretically take them earlier, but they would have to go to the queue in front of the office building and wait to see if a place would be vacated for them.

“They have a stretched tape a meter and a half from the front door, from which the worker always comes out and calls out the names of the ordered. And when he’s in a good mood and I tell him, ‘I have an employee here and he has a negative covid test!’, He says, ‘No, no, I’m taking the five orders now, try it with a colleague,’ ‘the businessman described the situation before the workplace of the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy.

“There is no guarantee at all that if the consulate general lets a foreigner with a DVR visa here and he is obliged by law to show up for registration and biometrics within three days and on that basis issue a certificate of compliance with the conditions to work, that they will actually take them. register. And they say, so order. However, specifically in Brno, they have order dates until September, “he added angrily.

A situation where one ministry (abroad) lets foreigners into the Czech Republic and de facto also attracts them to the country through the business lobby, but the other (ministry of the interior) does not allow them to start working even after a few weeks, but Czech officials and their management are obviously too does not bother. “Ordering deadlines are influenced by capacity reasons,” Adam Rözler told Práva without another spokesman for the Ministry of the Interior.

Foreigners employ more than two thirds of Czech manufacturing companies, and are also widely used in construction and agriculture. From countries outside the Union, these are most often workers from Ukraine, EU citizens who do not need work visas, Slovaks, Poles, Romanians and Bulgarians come to us the most for work.

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