(ANSA) – NAPLES, 03 APR – According to data from the Bank of Italy, international tourism in Italy in 2023 showed a growth of 17% compared to 2022, with over 125 million tourist arrivals in accommodation facilities (+5.5 % compared to 2022), of which approximately 68 million foreigners alone. Tourism is being discussed in the 9th national edition of ‘MEET Forum – Sustainable Tourism’, an event promoted and organized by Destination Italia, scheduled for 3 and 4 April at the National Railway Museum of Pietrarsa between Portici and Naples. The event takes place under the patronage of the European Commission, Enit, the Campania Region, the Municipality of Naples, the FS Italiane Foundation, the University of Naples Federico II and the collaboration of Intesa Sanpaolo. From the point of view of the countries of origin – again according to Bankitalia – approximately 34% are non-EU. Tourist flows from China and Japan are recovering, still marginal in 2022. The increase in flows from the USA continues, with Brazil and Australia also growing strongly. The foreign traveler has had an evolution of interests, increasingly asking for unconventional experiences, in addition to traditional tours in cities of art. Strong interest in mountains, lakes and hilly regions. In addition to Campania, which features the Amalfi Coast, interest is growing in Tuscany, Lombardy, Veneto and Sicily. This is thanks to experiential itineraries that focus on the food and wine treasures of these lands. (HANDLE).
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