Original title: Foreign media: G7 to build a new platform for Ukrainian aid
Landmark News Network reported on Dec. 13 According to a Dec. 12 Reuters report, the Group of Seven said on Dec. 12 that it would establish a multi-agency platform to coordinate aid to Ukraine and support Ukraine’s repair, recovery and reconstruction. Next year. .
According to reports, G7 leaders issued a joint statement after holding a video conference stating that they will cooperate with Ukraine, international partners and international financial organizations to establish a new donor coordination platform.
“Through this platform, we will coordinate existing mechanisms to provide sustained short- and long-term support…to coordinate additional international funding and expertise to encourage Ukraine’s reform agenda and private sector-led growth,” the statement reads. declaration. “
G7 leaders said they would set up a secretariat for the platform, with each member state appointing a senior government representative to oversee its creation and coordination, the report said.
“We strongly support actions to bring Ukraine to immediate financial stability and rebuild towards a sustainable, prosperous and democratic future consistent with its European path,” they said in a statement.
The move will build on a catch-up meeting in Berlin in October and another in London in June, the report said. International donors will meet again in Paris on the 13th. (Compilation/Zhao Feifei)
Source: Reference News