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Foreign Investment in Thailand: 217 Investors Bring in 38 Billion Baht in 4 Months (2023)



deputy government spokesman Reiterate that foreigners have confidence in Thailand. In the first 4 months of 2023, 217 foreigners invested in Thailand, bringing in 38 billion baht, employing 2,419 people.

deputy government spokesman Reiterate that foreigners have confidence in Thailand. In the first 4 months of 2023, 217 foreigners invested in Thailand, bringing in 38 billion baht, employing 2,419 people.

On May 20, 2023, Ms. Ratchada Thanadirek, Deputy Spokesperson for the Prime Minister’s Office, revealed that from government investment promotion measures. by providing incentives to encourage investment together with the availability of sufficient raw materials And there is a supporting industry ready. Makes foreigners have confidence in the potential of Thailand and is also a target for foreign investment. According to the data during the 4 months of 2023 (Jan.-Apr.), foreigners are allowed to invest in doing business in Thailand under the Foreign Business Act. In 1999, there were 217 cases, an increase of 11%, 69 cases were made through the application for foreign business licenses and 148 cases for foreign business licenses, with a total investment of 38,702 million baht, an increase. 6% employed 2,419 Thai people, an increase of 6%. The top 5 foreigners who invested in the top 5 were Japan, 55 people, 25% of the investment, 14,024 million baht, Singapore, 35 people, 16%, the investment of 4,854 million baht, the US, 34 people, the proportion. 15%, 1,725 ​​million baht investment, 14 Chinese, 6% proportion, 11,230 million baht investment, 11 Swiss Confederation, 5% proportion, 1,692 million baht investment, and 68 others, 33% proportion, 5,177 million baht investment.

For businesses that have been permitted in the last 4 months, most of them are in line with the country’s infrastructure development. investment promotion policy to enhance the country’s competitiveness As for investment in the EEC area by foreign investors, during the past 4 months, there were 43 foreign investors interested in investing in the EEC area, accounting for 20% of the total number of investors. The investment value in the EEC area amounted to 7,521 million baht, accounting for 19% of the total investment. There are 17 investors from Japan investing 2,816 million baht, 8 Chinese investors investing 725 million baht, 3 Hong Kong investors investing 2,920 million baht and 15 other countries investing 1,058 million baht.

“Even though the situation of the COVID-19 outbreak will have an impact all over the world including Thailand But investors still have plans to expand their investments in Thailand continuously. Investors are of the view that Thailand has many favorable factors. both raw materials and sufficient parts Communication services are available. Transportation and logistics Including various benefits that affect investment decisions Including the confidence of foreign private sector towards Thailand. both in terms of infrastructure market potential business support measures quality labor,” Ms. Ratchada said.

2023-05-20 00:45:12
#Thai #government #website

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