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Forecasts of Thursday, December 23, 2021

Today, Strasbourg will still have to wait before the clouds dissipate. In the morning, the sun will be hidden behind clouds. A southerly wind will blow slightly, with 10 km / h. The afternoon will remain veiled because of small clouds which are maintained in the sky. On the other hand, it is a rise of a few degrees that the temperatures will register. Clouds are announced for this evening. The transition from Thursday to Friday will be under a clear sky.

For tomorrow, light drizzle will fall on the city of Strasbourg. Warmer weather is to be expected as the mercury will see an increase. A light southwest wind will be felt by the inhabitants. The evening will be marked by drizzle.

Mixed weather is forecast for the following days. A degradation is expected Sunday, while the day of Saturday will have been cloudy.

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