In Bordeaux, temperatures will be 9°C at the lowest and 18°C at the highest during the day. The sky will clear a little in the morning with clearings. Values of about 12°C are expected. A southeast wind will blow a little, with 10 km/h. There will be small clouds before the sun can make its appearance during the afternoon. On the other hand, temperatures will experience an increase of several degrees. The values will display between 14°C and 18°C. Clouds in anticipation in the evening, and a still gray sky. Scattered rains are expected. The sky will be foggy overnight from Tuesday to Wednesday.
Tomorrow, Bordeaux will be crossed by light showers. A drop in temperature is expected. It will be around 11°C. A light westerly wind will be felt by the inhabitants. The weather will gradually cover during the morning due to the arrival of clouds. It will be 12°C on average. The values will range between 12 and 14°C during the afternoon. More gray tomorrow evening. The clouds will linger. The mercury will show 10°C on average.
The weather will be sunny on Thursday but it will experience a deterioration on Friday.