In Rennes, the highs will go up to 8°C during the day while the lows will be 0°C: seasonal weather. In the morning, we will be under a very gray sky, covered with light clouds. It will be 3°C on average. A northwest wind will blow slightly, with 4 km/h. The afternoon will remain cloudy due to persistent clouds in the sky. On the other hand, the ambient air will warm up with an increase of a few degrees. Winter makes itself felt: the values will be between 5 and 8°C. In the evening, the wind will gradually push the clouds away. Between Sunday and Monday, the night will be clear.
Small clouds in the sky tomorrow hinder the appearance of the sun in Rennes. It is a rise of a few degrees that the temperatures will register. Temperatures of around 6°C are anticipated. A light northwesterly breeze will be felt by residents. In the morning, the fog will be quite settled. The sky will clear slightly in the afternoon with clearings. Winter has definitely set in since the values will go from 5 to 10°C. The Rennais will be cold tomorrow evening: the temperatures will not exceed 4°C. The values will be 4°C.
The days follow one another but are not alike. Weather conditions will vary on the following days. We expect a deterioration on Wednesday, after a sunny day on Tuesday.