Home » today » News » Forecast of very cold weather for this Thursday morning in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Forecast of very cold weather for this Thursday morning in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Rafael: Remember to stayhydrated with the official waterof the beings of time.let’s talk about theconditions because we haveclear sky and there it isall day, and moments of littlecloudiness and stability. for thetomorrow and afternoon today.to the southwest in texas,dallas we see missouri,How does all this go throughThe Atlantic and we don’t existway to prevent them from fallinga bit of a rush.32to see the sea and temperaturescurrent, feels belowout of 3240.and the wind factor is not going toaffect in that aspect.we will be getting torope-five, over 50when we get to the nextwhich is positive newsfor today. we couldbe watching this phenomenonget to a certain pointafter 9:00 pm inparts of northwest and we’ll seeas the dawn of theFriday we will see precipitationwhile crossing towards theAtlantic.some localities withpossibility seeing the startunofficial with a littlesleet air. very little likewe can see and do not discard thatpossibility that Friday, theaccumulation or I mean rainin parts like the city ofnew york and almost an inch

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