Changes in geomagnetic activity are expected over the weekend.
Forecast of solar and geomagnetic activity for February 10-11, 2024 published US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Space Weather Prediction Center.
Geomagnetic storms are classified by power level – K-index – from 2 to 9. The higher the K-index, the stronger the storm and its consequences and impact on people and equipment.
Note that the forecast may still change, as solar activity researchers update their data every three hours.
On Saturday, February 10, geomagnetic activity is expected with K-index 4 (yellow level), which corresponds to a strong magnetic storm, but on Sunday, February 11, its power will decrease to K-index 3 (green level), moderate magnetic disturbance.
Let us recall that we previously wrote about whether solar flares and magnetic storms can affect human health.
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2024-02-11 00:19:12
#Magnetic #storm #forecast #February #Hot #topic