Today, Rennes will have temperatures around 10°C. A light drizzle will fall throughout the morning. The highs will rise to 12°C and the lows to 10°C. A southeasterly wind will blow at 21 km/h. The expectations are clear: we will spend a pleasant afternoon. The values will show between 10 and 12°C. A light breeze from the southwest will be felt by the inhabitants. In the evening temperatures around 8°C. While you sleep, from Sunday to Monday during the night, the sky will be slightly overcast.
Tomorrow temperatures will drop by a few degrees in Rennes. The average temperature will be 8°C. A southwesterly wind will cool the atmosphere slightly. In the morning the weather will gradually improve and make room for clear spells. The values will be 8°C minimum and 10°C maximum. The sun would appear earlier in the afternoon if there were no light clouds in the sky. Temperatures will be between 5 and 9°C. In the evening the weather should improve. The values will be between 4°C and 5°C.
A deterioration is expected in the coming days. Count on an average of 5°C which will accompany cloudy days.