Home » today » News » Forced resignation of the director of Mera: The Xunta de Persoal demands the dismissal of the Territorial Head of Education | Radio Coruña

Forced resignation of the director of Mera: The Xunta de Persoal demands the dismissal of the Territorial Head of Education | Radio Coruña

The Ministry of Education has named new Director of the Luís Seoane de Mera School after the forced resignation of the former, María José Ruíz. It is the new chapter in the case of the boy forgotten for a whole morning on the school bus. The Department has appointed one of the teachers who, when consulted, showed her disagreement with assuming the position, according to sources in the educational community, although she has finally been left with no other option but to accept.

The A Coruña Staff Board, the highest representative body of the teaching staff of public education in the province, unanimously requests the dismissal of the Territorial Head of Education, Indalecio Cabana. It also asks for the opening of an investigation into the performance of the inspector of the center with respect to the resignation – forced – of the director.

CIG-Education, the majority union in the public, qualifies the behavior of the Territorial Chief as “unpresentable and caciquil”. He understands that with the forced resignation of the director, what is intended is to divert attention from the responsibilities that correspond to the administration, as it is the one who hires the transport companies. “Or behavior of a public office cannot be or that this man fixed, a caciquil behavior that he leaves in my place, to him and the people who are above him,” said the national secretary of CIG, Suso Bermello.

The Department has not responded to Indalecio Cabana’s request for dismissal. The new director has to appoint a team, with the corresponding readjustment of schedules. All this in the midst of an atmosphere of discouragement, disappointment with the attitude of the educational administration and solidarity with María José Ruíz.

More reactions

The ANPA of the College summons all the families of students to a concentration this Friday in front of the center as a show of solidarity with the director forced to resign.

The director of the Lar a Mercé Child Protection Center has issued a statement in which it expresses its total rejection of the decision taken by the Department with respect to the director, María José Ruiz. The head of the center, José Piñón, considers the dismissal to be a great loss, a total lack of knowledge and respect for professional and personal work. He adds that Ruiz does not have to be punished, punished, for actions that he cannot reach or correspond to his position.

The PP of Oleiros accuses the mayor, Ángel García Seoane, of using the information panels of the City Council to charge, he says, against the Education officials. He accuses him of embezzling public funds. In the panels you can read: “The Education Inspectorate violates democratic norms” and “No forced cessation of the director of the Canide school”.

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