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forced quarantine in New York State

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The governor of New York State took an unprecedented measure on Tuesday, March 10: he established a containment zone within a radius of 1.6 km around New Rochelle, in the affluent suburb north of New York. With 108 of 173 confirmed cases in the state of the largest “cluster” of coronavirus cases in the United States. Three schools and places of worship were closed, US National Guard soldiers were deployed.

With our correspondent in New York, Carrie Nooten

In a particular situation, drastic measures. That was Governor Cuomo’s message on Tuesday, who worried that there were twice as many cases in New Rochelle – which has a population of 80,000 – than in New York City. He deployed the National Guard to distribute food to confined sick people, as well as to disinfect schools. This impressed the collective imagination, but Tanguy Hubert, who lives with his wife and three children in New Rochelle, explains that it is always possible to move around freely, and that the confinement is in fact discreet.

« More people with masks »

« When we summarize in the same sentence “containment area” and national guard, we have the impression that it is the end of the world, the tanks, the helicopters, and that we can no longer leave our home. People are still outside, even if we see a few more people with masks. People are in stores and are not necessarily with carts full of rice packs He said.

The biggest logistical headache is ultimately to find solutions to babysit the children, while schools are closed until March 25, and there is a lack of sufficient solutions, since all the families in the city are concerned.

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