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Forbidden from movement and mixing .. Learn about the disease artist Boshra


The artist, Bushra, suffers from a health problem that requires her detention inside a Cairo hospital, where a source told Al-Watan that the artist had suffered from shortness of breath before being transferred to the hospital, and the treating doctors asked her to rest until she recovered.

For her part, “Yara”, the artist’s sister, told “Al-Watan” that Bushra has left the hospital and is currently obligated to her home, but she is forbidden to move and mix with complete rest.

Dyspnea is one of the natural symptoms associated with increased physical activity, and “they” monitor some information about the disease, according to “WebMd”.

Causes of dyspnea

Asthma or bloating

Which results in beeping while breathing.

Pulmonary embolism

It means a clot in the lungs, which results in a sudden feeling of shortness of breath.

Foot swelling and pain

Hyperventilation syndrome

It is one of the causes of widespread shortness of breath in young people.


Depression is one of the problems that can cause shortness of breath.

Treating shortness of breath

Initial comfort and relaxation.

Visit the doctor to thoroughly examine and inspect the lungs and the airway.

Chest examination for proper causes and treatment.

Oxygen therapy, but not recommended for people with swelling.

When is dyspnea dangerous?

If it happens after doing a little effort or during a break.

If you feel shortness of breath when waking up at night.

Good news in the hospital because of shortness of breath

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