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Forbach. A Youtuber documentary filmmaker visiting Têt de l’Art

“I came to Lorraine as part of the filming of the documentary I am making on the East and the North of France”, confides Larry Harari. This law student, from Poitiers, was this weekend in the coal basin to collect testimonies from residents who talk to him about the mining past of the region but also of the current Forbach. These interviews will be used in the first episode of his documentary devoted to Alsace-Lorraine. “My project is called Forgotten France. I am interested in two extremely important regions of our history, which are today largely forgotten by the economic changes of the 21st century, ”explains the 22-year-old documentary filmmaker.

Meet the locals

Through the history of industrial epics, Larry Harari wants to understand how regions like the East and the North have been enriched and developed, and to approach their gradual decommissioning with concrete examples. “I go to meet the inhabitants to tell their family stories, their fears and their successes through a few examples of heritage rehabilitation or of local economic or cultural successes. “

On Saturday, the student interviewed a former miner from Freyming-Merlebach. “He told me how the area was before the mine shafts closed. I want to make a contrast between this period of effervescence and today. On Sunday, he went to the Têt de l’Art gallery in Forbach where he was welcomed by volunteers from the association. Sofia, young high school student of 1re , told him about his city; Mariella, the group’s sixty-year-old, hers.

After this filming in Moselle, Larry Harari, assisted by his brother Uri on camera, took the road to the Vosges. “My goal is to make a film of one hour and a half and publish it at the end of the year on YouTube and on a VOD platform”, says the youtubeur, already author of about sixty history videos to be discovered on her Heraklestv channel.

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