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“For women with breast cancer there are only orthopedic bras”



One in eight women will get breast cancer, the most common tumor among the female population, but the textile industry continues to ignore them. Statistics reveal that this type of pathology usually appears between 35 and 80 years, ages very far apart, for which the intimate apparel market offers the same solution: “orthopedic bras that remind them of illness every day.” The summary is made by Laura Merelas, who together with Inés Varela, Ariadna López and Sara Olmo has designed the first sexy bra for women with a breast tumor. The idea of ​​these students of Industrial Management of Fashion from the University of La Coruña is simple and involves dressing the woman inside to help her raise her self-esteem. «We have had cases in our environment and we have verified that they have no options»Laura assures about this invisibility. They opt for a careful design that includes lace, colors and necklines and that avoids “granny’s flesh color”, the only alternative today. «The first thing we wanted was to banish meat, white and black because women who suffer from it are getting younger and younger and they have to be able to enter a store and choose what to wear like any other »explains the designer, who is already working with her colleagues on the final patterns.

His idea managed to excite the women they contacted, who went so far as to explain that they are forced to cut the bras they buy to insert the prostheses. “In some cases their mothers or aunts sew them so that they can fit them properly, a very rudimentary thing,” explain the students, who propose a very close and personalized business model to adapt to the needs of each body, almost on demand. «As a result of the diseases and the treatments, many women gain weight, and what we want is for them to feel good, that’s why We also work to offer matching panties or thongs and even bikinis that they do not cover half the body, like those that are now for sale in some brands “he regrets. Looking at a “wide range”, the designers suggest that dressing women from the inside out will also allow them to wear garments that were previously impossible if you have a prosthesis. “Some girls complain that they cannot wear a strapless shirt, for example, because no bras that allow it». Under the name “Desino”, the project of these four young women is taking shape in the hands of platforms such as the Spanish Association against Cancer, after they were awarded last year in the Explorer by Santander program.

“We have discovered that this is something that was not talked about, but that it generated a lot of sadness among some of the people we have been with,” says Laura, aware that making the problem public can help many women who are in it. situation and what they have the same right “to buy a nice outfit for a special occasion”.

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