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for this 1st round, we vote less in Sarreguemines, Sarralbe and Thionville than in the Presidential

11:20 a.m.- In Creutzwald, only 13% of voters voted

BOUZONVILLE : Participation is close to 12%.

BOULAY-MOSELLE/SAINT-AVOLD : Seven candidates are running in the 7th constituency, that of Boulay Saint-Avold.

CREUTZWALD : In the second largest city in the 7th district, 13% of voters voted shortly after 11 a.m. at the center gymnasium, which includes three polling stations and 2,848 registered voters. In the first round of the Presidential, at the same time, 20% of voters had done their duty at the same time in the same place.

11 a.m.- Rachel Thomas, candidate in Meurthe-et-Moselle, on her land

FORBACH : Florian Philippot, president of the Les Patriotes party, voted in Forbach, office number 4. He is one of the thirteen candidates running in the sixth constituency of Moselle.

FAULQUEMONT : The inhabitants have been coming in waves since this morning. Of the 3,598 registered, only 576 people made the trip, which represents 16.01% of voters. For comparison, during the last round of the Presidential, at the same time, the participation was much higher: 25.41%.

bitch : We do not really jostle in the five polling stations of the city, like here at the school of the Remparts. There were only 15% of voters. Polling stations are open until 6 p.m.

METZ : “I’m not going to vote”, assumes Nicolas, 27, crossed this June 12 in Metz. “I am registered on the lists in Belfort but as I will not stay there, I do not feel legitimate to elect such and such a candidate. “And to recognize in all sincerity that this act does not interest him. “I follow politics but those who present themselves, for the most part, lack a coherent long-term vision, particularly concerning the environment. »

SARREGUEMINES : In office 16, at the Maud-Fontenoy school group in Sarreguemines, there are 96 voters out of 743 registered. 20% less at the same time as the Presidential.

GIRAUMONT : Rachel Thomas, candidate Together in the 4th constituency of Meurthe-et-Moselle (Lunéville) has just voted in Giraumont. On the land of his first farm.

10:45 a.m.- In Créhange, only 9% of citizens voted

METZ : Benjamin and Agathe lived five years in Metz before moving to Luxembourg. This Sunday, they came to the city center on purpose to fulfill their duty as citizens. “Voting is a matter of course for us. It’s complicated to do it in Luxembourg as French from abroad so we come back to Metz for the occasion and we take the opportunity to see friends, ”assures the couple from Morbihan, who came to the Grand Est for the work.

SARREGUEMINES : Small rush after mass in the two polling stations of Neunkirch, district of Sarreguemines, where there are 2,162 registered. The stake amounts to 14.5%.

CREHANGE : At the City Hall polling station, there is no crowd. Only 125 people slipped an envelope into the ballot box. This represents only 9% of the 1,033 registered. It was mainly elderly people who made the trip this morning under the blue sky. “The young people are expected during the afternoon”, says a town hall employee.

HAYANGE : Laurent Jacobelli, spokesperson for the Rassemblement National, candidate in the 8th constituency of Moselle, voted this morning at office no. 11 in Hayange.

10:20 a.m.- In Yutz and Volmunster, we vote timidly

DRILLING: 60 citizens slipped their ballot into the ballot box out of 754 registered.

COUNTRY OF BITCHE: Contrasting situation in the polling stations of the Pays de Bitche. In Rohrbach-lès-Bitche, the second city of the Pays de Bitche where Vincent Seitlinger, one of the eight candidates, is from, voters must wait before slipping their ballot into the ballot box. 201 voters have already passed through the voting booth. Conversely, in Volmunster, there is no queuing to vote. Only 50 voters voted. Out of 578 registered…

SARREGUEMINES : At the Sarreguemines town hall polling station, turnout was 9% at 10:20 a.m.

SARREBOURG  : An agent ensures the disinfection of the polling stations regularly during the polling day between the passage of voters, as at the polling station in the Casino room.

YUTZ : After the walk or the jogging, few are the voters registered in office 6 of Yutz to have voted. On 773 registered, they are only 64 to have slipped the envelope in the urn.

10 a.m. – The polling stations have been relocated to Puttelange-aux-Lacs

SARREBOURG : At office n°1 in the city center, there are 10% of voters, before the usual rush of the mass outing. The day begins timidly. “But it’s not a catastrophic participation as announced,” said Mayor Alain Marty. We’ll see this afternoon. »

METZ  : Turnout is low at polling stations. Voters have until 8 p.m. to vote.

FORBACH : Turnout is 10.4% at the Marienau polling station in Forbach. 72 voters out of 692 registered. In polling stations 1, 2 and 3 in Forbach town centre, turnout fluctuated between 8 and 9%. There are thirteen candidates in the running in Forbach, sixth constituency of Moselle, for these Legislative.

LANGUIMBERG : In this commune of the Pays de Sarrebourg, 18 voters out of 154 moved to decide between the 8 candidates for the legislative elections in the 4th constituency of Moselle.

SARRALBE: 80 voters out of 799 registered at the office of the town hall had slipped their ballot into the ballot box. Practically twice less than at the Presidential for the fifth constituency of the Moselle. “I’ve never seen that, so little participation,” says an employee of the town hall.

PUTTELANGE-AUX-LACS : Due to work at the town hall, the polling stations have opened at the cultural center of Puttelange-aux-Lacs, in Moselle-Est, with two offices for voters in Puttelange and the Ernestviller annex. Voters in the Diefenbach annex vote at the school. All offices close at 6 p.m.

THIONVILLE : It’s not the big rush! The office, chaired by Thierry Ghezzi, the trade assistant, only saw 65 voters pass at 9:45 a.m. Out of 977 registered…

9:20 a.m. – In Sarreguemines, we vote half as much as in the Presidential

SARREGUEMINES  : In the fifth constituency of Moselle, eight candidates are in the running. In the 18 polling stations of Sarreguemines, the voters do not jostle. At the Blauberg elementary school, there are 21 voters out of 621 registered. Two times less, at the same time, than in the presidential elections.

THIONVILLE : At the centralizing office, 42 ballots took place in the ballot box. Here, 949 Thionvillois are registered. At this time, turnout is lower than in the presidential election.

LITTLE ROSSELLE : The outgoing deputy for Forbach, Christophe Arend (Ensemble! Presidential majority of Emmanuel Macron), voted at 9 a.m. Forbach is the sixth constituency of Moselle: there are thirteen candidates in the running. In this polling station, turnout was lower than the presidential one hour after the opening of the ballot.

SAINT AVOLD : One hour after the opening of the 18 polling stations, 4% of the 799 voters registered at the office of the town hall have voted. They are essentially old people, regulars, always the first to do their electoral duty and… to set an example.

08 h 15.- The first voters arrive in dribs and drabs

METZ : the first voters arrive in dribs and drabs at the town hall. 190, 191 or 192. At the town hall of Metz, two employees direct the inhabitants of the city center to their polling station. Hydroalcoholic gel is available at the entrance. At 8:25 a.m., 12 people voted in office 191; 16 to the one next door, bearing the number 192. “But there is no downtime,” smile the assessors.

VAL DE BRIEY : At the office of the town hall, the first bulletins have already been deposited.

8 a.m. – The polling stations are open

It’s 8 o’clock, place to vote!

Throughout the day, voters are invited to decide between 222 candidates in the 21 constituencies of Lorraine: 128 men for only 94 women. Suffice to say that parity is not really respected.

In the region, there are very precisely 1,650,697 registered voters (745,914 in Moselle, 492,065 in Meurthe-et-Moselle, 277,913 in the Vosges and 134,805 in Meuse) who can vote. And until 6 p.m., except for the polling stations in Nancy and Metz, where closing is set at 8 p.m.

07:50.- Where to vote… and for whom?

In ten minutes, the polling stations will welcome the first voters. Which outgoing deputies are standing for re-election this year? Who is invested by the presidential majority, Nupes, Reconquête, the National Rally, the Republicans, Lutte Ouvrière or even the Animalist Party? Thanks to our maps and in partnership with the NSPPolls project, discover all the applications in Meurthe-et-Moselle, Meuse, Moselle and in the Vosges.

And if you don’t know your constituency yet, enter your address in our search engine.

Lorraine: discover the candidates in your legislative district

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07 h 45.- Towards record abstention in Lorraine?

Will the first-past-the-post two-round ballot on Sunday June 12 be marked by abstention in Lorraine? A trend that has been growing in France since the last two elections in 2012 and 2017. At the national level, abstention in the first round of legislative elections was 51.3% in 2017 and 44.6% in 2012.

In Lorraine, during the first round of the Legislative 2017, there was record abstention in Meurthe-et-Moselle (in Longwy) and in Moselle (in Forbach and Fameck-Hayange) with 60% of registered voters who had not moved at the polls. Abstention also crossed 50% in 15 constituencies in the region: the 9 constituencies of Moselle, 3 constituencies out of 6 in Meurthe-et-Moselle, 2 out of 4 in the Vosges, and one out of two in Meuse.

Conversely, 2 Lorraine municipalities had 100% participation in the 1st round in 2017: Rapey and Varmonzey (Vosges).

What is the voting method? What score do you need to achieve to advance to the second round? Will there be triangles? What happens if two candidates are tied? While the campaign as

7 h 30.- Hi there ! The 1st round of the Legislative 2022 is in 30 minutes

Welcome to this direct dedicated to legislative elections 2022. It’s D-Day. After Emmanuel Macron’s victory in the 2022 presidential election, on April 24, the French return to the polls this Sunday to elect the 577 deputies. A vote which takes place in an exceptional geopolitical context with the war in ukraine and the decline in purchasing power due to inflation. Who will be leading the poll this Sunday? Will Emmanuel Macron’s majority be in danger? Verdict at 8 p.m.

All day and as for almost two months, the entire editorial staff of the Lorraine Republican is mobilizing to make you experience these 2022 legislative elections. From the polling stations of the municipalities of Lorraine, we will follow this major event in French democracy.

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