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For the M5s, participating in a political government led by Draghi is no longer a taboo: the words of Conte and the opening of Di Maio

Participate in a political-led government Mario Draghi is no longer a taboo for the 5 star movement. Indeed it is the direction towards which at least part of the top management wants to push and the speech of Giuseppe Conte before Chigi Palace marked the official opening. “I hope a political government that it is solid and has sufficient cohesion to make political choices “, he said in what will perhaps be one of the most important speeches for his future.

The chaos of yesterday’s long assembly with the M5s parliamentary groups was a necessary step: the disappointment at the end of the Conte 2 executive and above all the bitterness for the defeat in the match against the eternal enemy Matteo Renzi they had to be dealt with collectively. We needed an outlet and we needed to try to exorcise the hardest of blows. Now, however, we must turn the page. Because, it is the belief of the leaders, staying out of an institutional government could do more harm than taking sides in the opposition. The first to break the silence was Luigi Di Maio and he did not mince words: “We have a duty to participate and listen,” he said in a statement. “Then the parliamentarians will decide.” It is the “time to be mature”. Less than an hour later, the outgoing premier summoned the press and opened for “the good of the country”. And he did it by introducing himself to the 5 stars if not as the leader, at least as one of the next guides: “To the Movement I say: I am here and I will be there “. It is the definitive signal for the openings and now the reactions of the parliamentary groups will be fundamental: “A new scenario is opening up”, commented the senator Primo Di Nicola, one of the first promoters of dialogue. “Except Fdi, they are all more or less with Draghi. All parties will be involved and there will be no more political government than Draghi’s. We will have to choose whether to abandon it to the center-right, or accept the challenge by conditioning and acting a leading role in managing the immense resources of the Recovery Fund and all the other issues connected with the needs and rights of citizens ”. This is the key to understanding what moves in the heads of the leaders of the Movement.

“I fully share your words which coincide with the will expressed by the 5-star Movements to give the country a political government, which has sustainable development at its center”.

Leading Count? Grillo’s silent assent – “I am here and I will be there”. With these few words, Conte addressed the 5-star Movement and marked one of the moments that will make history for the creature of Beppe Grillo. The first Prime Minister expressed by the Grillini leaves Palazzo Chigi and does so by giving his blessing to “an alliance with the center-left” that cannot end like this. And opening to a political government of Mario Draghi, or an executive with inside political exponents of the Movement. It is a fundamental step, for some dramatic, for others of maturity. Who is right will decide the story. Meanwhile, a fact: the silent consent of Beppe Grillo marks that the moves of Giuseppe Conte e Luigi Di Maio are agreed. Or at least there was a sharing. The founder has chosen not to expose himself so far, although a simple word from him can completely change the course of events in the 5-star home. But in the meantime its leaders have decided on a line and, in the absence of indications to the contrary, they will work to the end.

According to the Ansa agency, Grillo spoke to some parliamentarians. And he spoke to them about the importance of sitting at Draghi’s table for “defend all the measures brought home by the Conte government, such as citizenship income, the dignity decree and anti-corruption regulations, and a program that has universal income, a property tax for the super-rich, public water, blue economy, digitalization, conflict of interest and banking as its main points public “. These are the “conditions” that Grillo would have indicated. The “M5s will sit at the table out of institutional respect” and “kindness” towards the President of the Republic.

Di Maio’s first sign – These are very delicate hours and every word is destined to weigh. Not even 24 hours ago Alessandro Di Battista he made a post asking his people not to “give in”. Today, an hour before Conte’s statements, Di Maio asked to tone down and invited to dialogue: “I understand the spirits and moods of these last hours. It is legitimate, ”he wrote. “We are going through a complex political crisis and we have no faults. We did not seek stalemate, we never wanted it to come to this, with an ongoing pandemic and the enormous difficulties of our production sector. But it is precisely in these precise circumstances that a political force shows itself to be mature in the eyes of the country “. And that call to maturity is already seen by many as an appeal. “Today the consultations of the prime minister in charge, Mario Draghi, begin, according to the path traced by the Head of State Sergio Mattarella, whom I thank. In this fragile frame, In my opinion, the 5 Star MoVement has a duty to participate and listen and then to take a position on the basis of what the parliamentarians decide. We are the first political force in Parliament and institutional respect comes first ”. In short, the last word will always be up to the elected. Although, it is now clear how the line indicated by the vertices will be the one that really matters.

And immediately after Di Maio’s green light (and especially after Conte’s), some very significant rumors followed. First came the comment of Virginia Raggi. “Let’s break the mold, the M5s open to Draghi,” he said, speaking with Il Foglio. “We need to start from the issues and focus on a political government. The comparison with the previous Monti is wrong ”. Then the outgoing head of delegation spoke Alfonso Bonafede: “Now the M5s, with the same sense of the institutions, will participate constructively, head held high and with consistency with respect to the usual values, in the consultations of the newly appointed president Draghi”. And also the undersecretary to the presidende of the Council Riccardo Fraccaro: “I fully agree with Conte’s words which coincide with the will expressed by the 5 Star Movement to give the country a political government, which has sustainable development at its center”.

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