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For the first time, the mummy of an Egyptian pharaoh was “unpacked” digitally

PHOTO: Reuters

The mummified body of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh has been studied for the first time in millennia after it was digitally “unpacked”, he said. BBC.

The mummy of Amenhotep I, who ruled from 1525 to 1504 BC, was discovered in Deir el-Bahari 140 years ago, but so far archaeologists have refrained from opening it to preserve the exquisite face mask and bandages. .

Now, for the first time, computed tomography has revealed previously unknown information about the pharaoh and his burial.

“We had to see the face of the pharaoh, which has been enveloped for more than 3,000 years,” said Dr. Sahar Salim, a professor of radiology at Cairo University School of Medicine and lead author of the study, published in the journal Frontiers in Medicine.

Dr. Salim also said that the body scan showed no wounds or disfigurement from any disease, but the first thing that impressed her was how the facial features of Amenhotep I resembled those of his father Ahmos I, the first pharaoh of 18 -th dynasty of ancient Egypt, which has a similar narrow chin, small narrow nose, curly hair and slightly protruding upper teeth.

The researchers also found that Amenhotep I was approximately 169 cm tall and was about 35 years old when he died.

Scanners show that he was in very good physical condition and in good health at the time of his death, suggesting that he died of an infection or virus.

In addition, it turns out that Amenhotep I was the first pharaoh to be buried with his forearms folded on his chest and his brain not removed – something very unusual for an Egyptian mummy.

Scientists have also concluded that his mummy was “repaired with love” by priests from the 21st dynasty, which ruled for four centuries after his death.

The scan also showed that the mummy suffered multiple post-mortem injuries, possibly inflicted by grave robbers.

And the ancient priests fixed the detached head and neck to the body with resin-treated linen tape and covered a defect in the abdominal wall by placing two amulets under it.

Dr Salim says the 30 amulets and the “unique gold belt with gold beads” worn by Amenhotep I disprove theories that the priests may have taken his jewelry to use again for the burials of future pharaohs.

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