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For the First Time in 10 Years, Housing Construction Surges in Maine-et-Loire

Housing construction in Maine-et-Loire continues to rise, which began in 2020. According to data collected by the Departmental Housing Information Agency (Adil 49), the department counts 4,400 construction sites opened in 2022, i.e. 390 housing units. additional units under construction in the department, up 10% year-on-year. This is his best level of construction achieved in the last 10 years. The territory of Angers Loire Métropole thus captures 54% of this production, while it only includes 39% of all the housing in the department. In six years, the urban community of Angers has gained nearly 13,000 inhabitants, thus confirming its attractiveness and its demographic weight. New homes represent almost half of the construction sites opened in Maine-et-Loire. A share that exceeds 90% in rural areas.

This sustained level of construction makes it possible to meet all the needs for new housing in the department. The Departmental Housing and Accommodation Plan (PDHH) estimates that it is necessary to build 4,000 per year over the period 2020-2025 to meet local demand. Thus, the territory of Maine-et-Loire achieved 106% of this objective during the first three years 2020-2022, with an annual average of 4,227 construction sites started, including the construction of residential accommodation.

A construction rate of 3.2%

With a rate of 3.2 constructions per 100 existing dwellings, Maine-et-Loire displays one of the most significant dynamics in metropolitan France. The department thus ranks 14th nationally. On the scale of the Great West, the urban community of Angers Loire Métropole displays its vigor with a construction rate of 4.6% which exceeds that of the Nantes metropolis, established at 3.6%, without however equaling 5, 8% of the Rennes metropolitan area.

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