Home » News » For the first time Bulgarian participation in the competitions of the European Congress on Emergency Medicine – 2024-10-28 11:10:00

For the first time Bulgarian participation in the competitions of the European Congress on Emergency Medicine – 2024-10-28 11:10:00

For the first time, Bulgaria will participate with emergency teams in the annual European Congress on Emergency Medicine. It is organized by the European Society of Emergency Medicine (EUSEM) for all specialists who work in the field of emergency medicine.

The association is the world’s largest medical organization, uniting specialists from emergency centers, pre-hospital and hospital units.

The Union of Paramedics in Bulgaria, in partnership with the National Association of Emergency Medical Workers, sent representatives who will participate in the scientific part and the demonstrations.

The aim is that next year our team will represent the country with two teams in the Euro SimCup and the Paramedics Cup – a competition with an emergency medical team and a paramedic team, in which the skills of providing emergency care in different situations are demonstrated.

This year’s congress was held in Copenhagen from 13 to 16 October and was attended by 3,780 representatives of emergency medical services from 86 countries.

Its main goal is to share good practices and the latest technologies in the field of emergency medicine, pre-hospital and hospital care.

The Paramedics Union has already started training for the Paramedics Cup performance at the next European Congress. Paramedics train in the simulation center of the Faculty of Medicine at SU “St. Kliment Ohridski”.

The simulation center is equipped with high-tech simulators and robotic mannequins that enable training in conditions close to real life.

One of the situations, for example, is performing an emergency C-section in an ambulance.

At the invitation of the Union of Paramedics in Bulgaria, EUSEM President Dr. Robert Leach will visit Bulgaria to participate in the First Scientific and Practical Conference on Emergency Medicine in Disaster Situations, Terrorism and Severe Trauma, which will be held in Burgas on 8 and November 9 of this year

The conference is organized jointly with the “Medical Sciences” Corps of the University “Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov” and, in addition to the scientific part, will also present demonstrations of reaction to a terrorist act, disaster situations, road trauma, search and rescue of victims in hard-to-reach areas.

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