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For the first time, a Korean ensemble is featured in the program of the Theater Olympics

Combining tradition and modernity is just as important to the Korean dance group as it is to the Hungarian National Dance Group, which is why they chose to invite Mutdance – explained Iusco Bernadett, manager of the Hungarian National Dance Group, at the press conference in Budapest on Tuesday announcing the program.

The Korean troupe will perform three times in Hungary as part of the 10th International Theater Olympiad: first on June 15 in Győr, at the Hungarian Dance Festival at the National Theater in Győr, then on June 16 and 17 in Budapest, at the National Dance Theater, they will present their performance Bemut .

Iusco Bernadett said that the company will spend a week in Hungary, during which the Hungarian and Korean dance groups will get to know each other’s culture through a number of joint programs.

Zoltán Zsuráfszky, artistic director of the Hungarian National Dance Ensemble and Zsuzsa Zs. Vincze, professional leader, highlighted in a video message that the formation of 16 female dancers also considers nurturing the folk traditions of their country to be ars poetic.

“We consider it important that thousands of years old cultures can meet each other within the framework of the 10th Theater Olympiad, which is why we invited one of Korea’s largest dance groups to our country”

– said Zsuzsa Zs. Vincze.

László Velekei, the director of the Győr Ballet, emphasized that the festival is happy to provide professional ensembles with a special working method, similar to the Korean group, a chance to show themselves every time. Péter Ertl, the director of the National Dance Theatre, expressed his joy that many internationally recognized companies will have the opportunity to present themselves in Hungary as part of the Theater Olympics.

In Sukjin, director of the Korean Cultural Center, also spoke about the fact that the two dance groups will participate in many joint programs. In the framework of a gastronomic presentation, for example, they prepare traditional Hungarian and Korean dishes, but they also get to know each other’s music and clothing culture.

The director expressed his hope that soon they will be able to host the Hungarian National Dance Group not only in the Korean Cultural Center, but also in their country.

Founded in 1994, the all-female Mutdance redefines the concept of creative dance through the fusion of modernity, tradition, Korean and global culture. The performance Bemut features the company’s most iconic choreographies. The show combines the company’s old and new works, in which the common denominator is their unique movement world and choreography.

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