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For the fifth and last time! Does the Czech legend say goodbye to the Olympics, surprise rivals in Tokyo as well?

Michal Krumphanzl, ČTK

Do you hide clothes from the Olympic collections?

I’m definitely hiding. Věrka Cechlová (former disc jockey) she always said that Olympic things are not handed out. The fact is that it is so unique. So I have to have a really big closet at home… (smile)

Would you find part of the collection from Athens seventeen years ago there?

Probably yes, but she will still be in Sýkořice near Lukáš. At that time we did not have a house yet…

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How do you like this year’s collection?

Power. Some T-shirts might not be all white, but that’s a minimal complaint. Everything is elaborate, it can be seen that they listened to the athletes who gave comments. For me, the last Olympic collection and clearly the best.

I will sleep in the collection, the gymnast laughed. The Czech Olympians declassified their clothes for the opening ceremony

The entry model aroused considerable responses…

It’s a good thing he woke something up, they probably wanted to. I really like it. It is exactly the tradition that can be seen, very much handwork, sophistication down to the last detail. All the girls, including me, say how nice it is in that dress. So I think he does everything.

But you won’t use it to start this year either…

I won’t be in Tokyo yet, I fly nine days before the race as on all eastern routes. I’m going to the Fifth Olympics and I’ve never been to the start. Only once in London did I wave at the end, when Spajsky sang there (skupina Spice Girls). That was probably enough for me, it is still waiting there anyway. Everyone thinks it’s great, but it’s not ideal for the performance itself to wait in the tunnel for two hours and stand.

Javelin thrower Barbora Špotáková embarks on her fifth Olympics.

Michal Krumphanzl, ČTK

You probably couldn’t have wished for better pre-Olympic encouragement than the triumph in Monaco.

It’s an encouragement, but I definitely stay grounded, and you should stay grounded too… (smile) But it’s true that I already needed it, I kept throwing so-called buckets and she knew it should go away. I was definitely not in the best condition. As you can hear, I still have a cold, I really felt bad there. Suddenly I see that these meters can be drawn (63,08 m) from a not entirely ideal situation.

You obviously surprised your opponents as well, even Maria Andrejczyk and Christin Hussong could not react in the final series. And at the beginning of the season they threw a lot far.

They were a little taken aback, and I’m sure they’re counting on me somewhere within reach, not quite on the tail. I am glad that my words have occurred again and it is fulfilled that my form is growing. The beginning of the season was really given by the fact that I couldn’t throw much, and now it’s better. This opponent doesn’t know what my preparation is…

Another extreme? Thanks, that’s enough. The unique story of a Czech runner does not end there

Last year you were bothered by Achilles tendons, this year they are healthy?

Pretty much, I have to knock. We are still very careful, I’m not going to be as sharp as in previous years. The main thing is to stay healthy, that is the motto of the year.

So two days off between qualifying and the finals in Tokyo will come in handy.

For me, it’s completely killer to throw the next day like at the Doha World Cup, at this age I’m really not capable of it anymore. This is better, but not only for me, for all the girls. Even the young people still complain of various injuries and are broken, the spear is just like that.

What do you expect from your last coronavirus-bound Olympics?

I don’t expect anything, I always deal with things on the spot. Even now in Monaco, I thought it would be bad, and then I suddenly caught on. It’s better not to wait for anything, and then maybe such a moment will come.

Javelin thrower Barbora Špotáková at the national championship in Zlín.

Dalibor luck, ČTK

Your partner Lukáš accompanies you to big events, he will lose your Olympic finale…

We nourished the idea for a long time, but then we had to abandon it. It’s hard, it will be long for me without a family. But again we will be more in the Olympic village, there will be a different atmosphere, because everyone has always gone to other sports somewhere. It won’t work now, some board games will probably be played, I don’t know. I’m sorry, as well as the absence of spectators, I hope that at least Czech athletes will be able to be in the stands. It’s all weird, but mainly that it’s…

Do you mind that you are going to the Olympics for the last time?

I’m definitely aware of that and it’s good that I also have time to realize it. Someone ends up with an injury and then just remembers it…

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