According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), breast cancer is the most frequent type of cancer and the most common cause of cancer death in women worldwide. However, she points out that the burden of breast cancer disease can be reduced by identifying and treating cancers early, before they cause symptoms, hence the importance of early diagnosis and access to effective treatments.
For this reason, the importance of the work that the state government carries out in coordination with the municipalities, on this occasion, with the municipal council of Zacatelco, joining efforts to promote free mammography, which is a study that precisely identifies the breast injuries. , which cannot be detected by touch. That is, it allows for early diagnosis which helps reduce the risk of mortality from this disease.
From this point of view, the Municipal DIF of Zacatelco has the task of inviting the female population aged 40 and over to undergo mammography, by virtue of the fundamental role that women occupy in the family, being mother or grandmother, sister or daughter, therefore the citizen of his health is vital to the well-being and joy of the family.
Hence the priority it occupies in the agenda of the honorary president of Smdif, María Luisa Maldonado Garzón and the municipal president Hildeberto Pérez Álvarez, which provides all the structures for the dissemination and realization of said timely detection day.
Thus the Municipality of Zacatelco, through the Municipal DIF and in coordination with the State Government, invites women aged 40 to 69 to do the free mammography study.
The study will take place next Thursday, January 12, during office hours from 8:00 in the morning to 16:00 in the afternoon. The Module will be installed in front of the Municipal Presidency, next to the flagpole.
On the day of the study, the person must meet the following requirements:
• Present the original and a copy of your official photo ID.
• Freshly washed.
• Come with both armpits shaved.
• Without the application of talcum powder, cream, deodorant, perfume or any other substance.
• No metallic objects such as earrings, chains, etc.
• Hair tied.
• Go with a two-piece outfit to make studying easier.
Breast cancer is treatable if caught early.
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