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For the CGT and Sud Santé, the Millau hospital is on the Puits-de-Calès site

IThey were quick to react. In the wake of the press conference organized by the study group led by doctor Alain Vernier extolling all the merits of the establishment of the future median hospital on the Larzac, more precisely in Beaumescure (in contact with interchange n ° 46 of the A75), representatives of the Sud Santé and CGT unions from the Millau hospital held their own press conference, to recall how badly they thought of this project “ imagined by hospital moguls ».

« We are not against a high-performance hospital or a high-performance technical platform », Would like to reassure Jerome Lunal, nurse and CGT unionist.

But with ” € 55m spent to build a hospital lost in the middle of nowhere », The pill does not pass. ” We move away the population mainly centered in Millau and Saint-Affrique at the risk that the rate of flight increases even more. People will not stop at Beaumescure, but will go directly to Montpellier, predicts the practitioner. It’s like with Amazon… Once you have taken the step of relocation, then it’s over. »

“It is MédecinLand that they promise us at Beaumescure”

« It is a project made by retired doctors, for doctors and for the installation of future doctors, resit Pierre-Jean Girard (South Health). It is MedecinLand that they promise us in Beaumescure. Except that we know very well that they sell dreams. Already access in 15 minutes by a hypothetical route is lying. And then there is the difference between the project – a 40 M € hospital – and reality. »

And take out his crystal ball. ” You will not have a median hospital at 40 M €, says the trade unionist. It takes at least 100 M €. With the 15 M € nursing homes, they promise us two hospital wastelands in Millau and Saint-Affrique. We know very well that between the project they are selling us and the actual project, there will be trade-offs: on the beds and on the payroll. In the end, we will have a small project with a massive layoff plan for both hospitals. This is what will happen. »

A doctor is not there to make savings on a large scale, he is there to treat and do his job. Neither is he there to turn into a geographer or a visionary earthworker for the Larzac. “ Pierre-Jean Girard

“We will have new walls, but we will put everyone on the road! “

Reassembled, the three trade unionists unravel the arguments of a median hospital in Beaumescure one by one. Even if it means playing on the sensitive chord of the environment. ” In the hospital, it’s not just doctors, recalls Pierre-Jean Girard. There are 1,000 employees between Saint-Affrique and Millau. We will be at least 600 future paramedics, nurses, nursing assistants, ASH to go to this site. What will be the ecological cost? The carbon cost? This is absurd! »

« It will be necessary to create everything, to bring all the infrastructures… Others fought against the extension of a camp, there it will be another way of disfiguring the Larzac », Adds Jérôme Lunal.

« And then what do we gain? What more do we have?, request Corinne Mora, CGT trade unionist and assistant to the City of Millau. Fewer beds, fewer staff… We will have new walls, but we will get everyone on the road! »

It will be understood, the three protagonists do not want a median hospital on the Larzac … or elsewhere. ” These 40 M €, why do not we put them on the two existing hospitals?, asks Pierre-Jean Girard. With this median hospital, the legal structure would be a GCS (Health Cooperation Group). It means public / private. It is very disturbing. We are going to lose beds and jobs, it will be catastrophic. »

And the announcement of Sylvie Marty, director of hospitals, who affirms ” to swallow the pill “That in the preamble of the medical project, there is a small increase in beds (we would go to 151, Editor’s note), does not change the situation:” There is always a loss of about 200 beds, it’s huge, Jérôme Lunal account. There is a hospital which is closing and which is not actually replaced, that’s the idea. In terms of staff, that’s 200 fewer jobs. »

We present such a table to the population and to the caregivers, telling them that it is better to amputate the hand than the arm, everyone chooses the hand. But the reality is not that, there are other alternatives. Other choices are possible. We can save everything. “ Jerome Lunal

“Space” to improve the Puits-de-Calès site

This hospital project on the Larzac, ” it is the project of a few retired doctors …, mock Pierre-Jean-Girard. But it’s over today, in hospitals, the hospital moguls who spoke for everyone. We are in a multidisciplinary team. What is their legitimacy? »

As for the argument saying that the doctors of the CHU will move more easily if the hospital is closer to Montpellier, it is also swept aside with the back of the hand. For Jerome Lunal, « the doctors from Montpellier will not come any more because they gain 10 minutes of road, this is not true. On the other hand, doctors will come and settle in Millau because there is a living environment, because there is something attractive, with shops, schools … »

And they will also come ” if we give ourselves the means ». « We tell ourselves that in Millau, we have room to extend, to enlarge, to renovate, asserts Corinne Mora, supporting site maps. If we want to give ourselves the means, we can. If we had had more services, more services in this median hospital… But here we are going to have less than what we had. What is the added value? »

For Corinne Mora, there is room to expand the Millau hospital center …

If we have the means given by the ARS to get back on the water and to have more or less normal operation, it will be a virtuous circle. If Millau works well, he becomes attractive again to patients and doctors alike. We must restart the machine, do work to increase capacity and allow the installation of new practitioners. They will come, the patients will follow. “ Jerome Lunal

For Pierre-Jean Girard, « we can improve hospitals in complementarity, we can work together and improve the existing “. Even if it means pushing the walls, and moving services to Sainte-Anne after the relocation of the EHPAD. ” In the medical preamble of southern Aveyron, they will promote Saint-Anne, which will be sold for € 2 million. Nonsense! »

Before concluding : ” What we learned from the Covid is that the number of beds, the number of staff, it was a wealth. If we made it through the 3rd and 4th waves, it’s thanks to our staff and our number of beds. If we lose more, it is a loss of chances for southern Aveyron. »

The temptation of “everything in Millau”

As we know, a study was requested during the last supervisory board by Emmanuelle Gazel, mayor of Millau, regarding the maintenance of the Millau hospital on the current site of Puits-de-Calès. ” It was something the steering committee had completely ruled out, recalls Corinne Mora. In the feasibility study for Mupy, three possibilities had to be studied: everything in Millau, everything in Saint-Affrique, everything on a single site. The steering committee (the two mayors Christophe Saint-Pierre and Alain Fauconnier, the senator Alain Marc, the deputy Arnaud Viala, the two presidents of CME and the ARS) had decided to exclude the whole in Millau and the whole in Saint-Affrique. » « For purely political reasons », Adds Jerome Lunal.

« We continue to say that the two hospitals have their legitimacy and can work in complementarity “, Nuance Pierre-Jean Girard, while remaining politically correct. ” Why is there the desire to create a median hospital so that it works and not a desire to keep the two hospitals working in complementarity? »

« We are not closed, we would like to work with Saint-Affrique. With 55 M €, we have what to improve the existing! », Assures his side Corinne Mora.

The results of the study requested by Emmanuelle Gazel could be known on June 28 on the occasion of the next supervisory board.

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