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For the boss of Airbnb, the trips “will never come back as before”

Global travel “may never recover” completely from the coronavirus pandemic, said Airbnb CEO and co-founder Brian Chesky, planning more travel by tourists from their own country to smaller communities.

“I will officially say that travel will never come back, as it was before Covid-19,” Chesky told Axios in an interview published on Sunday. “Sometimes decades of transformation happen in a matter of months,” he said. said.

According to the CEO of Airbnb, business travel will be particularly affected by the current pandemic. “I think a lot of people will realize that they don’t have to fly to a meeting. I mean, I met you in an office, but now we’re on Zoom, ”he said. Chesky explained that people “don’t get on planes” to cross borders, but rather travel by car to “communities that are 350 kilometers or less”.

“People will one day take the plane,” noted the CEO of Airbnb. “But one of the things I think is a fairly permanent change is… a redistribution of the destination of travelers.”

Chesky also said he sees a potential boom for national parks as the culture around travel changes.

“Most people have not visited them,” he said. “And it’s pretty cheap… You don’t have to buy a plane ticket. You can usually drive because most people live within 300 kilometers of a park. ”

MS (with MAP)

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