/ world today news/ The vocation of “Novo vreme” magazine, from the first day of its appearance 125 years ago, according to the definition of Dimitar Blagoev–Dyadoto, is to be “a review of mental and social life”. Today, in order to stay true to its covenant, we strive not only to maintain and expand its thematic scope and analytical level, but also to keep up with the digital age, launching from the beginning of April a completely renewed website of the magazine.
It is our ambition the website NOVO VREME to become an authoritative territory for the expression of many different authors, a platform for sharing a wide range of analyses, assessments and developments outlining the socialist worldview and an alternative for Bulgaria and the world today. We want to make it a significant factor in the search for answers to the extraordinary challenges with which the new times are charged. Therefore, the structure and content of the site will help. A central place in it is occupied by the first section – Current review, which will contain the essentials of “the review of mental and social life.” The second – Discussion “SOCIALISM OF THE 21ST CENTURY” will reflect the general program discussion issues and the main problem areas of its scope — “The world in the 21st century“, „Transitiont”, “Ideas and paradigms“, „BSP and the left” and other. With own and with publications attracted from other publications, the two sections will be maintained – “Bulgaria today” and “Europe and the world“. We assign a specific role to the three sections in the section “Forums“. The first is “Poll New time” with questions and answers on a wide range of ideological and political issues. The second – “A compass for socialists“, a joint initiative with the team of “dVersia” magazine, will continue to cover various topics affecting socialist ideas and values, parties and movements. The third section — Ideological and political association “Platform Socialism XXI century” – will be a place for publishing the political positions and ideological searches of the Union on problems of ideological-political and organizational changes, necessary for the revival of the BSP as the strong left party of Bulgaria. The names of the sections “Culture“, „History” and “Personalities” indicate the nature of the materials published in them. The rubric deserves special attention Black and white memory, which appears on the site after more than five years her journalistic and documentary materials had a reserved place every week on the pages of the “Duma” newspaper. A special place is devoted to the rubrics “The last issue” and “The new issue“. In the first, readers will be able to familiarize themselves with the latest published book of the magazine in PDF format, and through the section “Archive‘ — to examine any material printed in it, or to search for publications by subject or by author in this and in the books of the last twenty years. In the second column, announcements will be published about the leading topic and separate materials from the new issue of the magazine that is being prepared for printing. Special is the rubric “Anniversary“, which this year is dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the magazine “Novo Vreme”. It will publish both new and old materials dedicated to the magazine “Novo Vreme”, to Dimitar Blagoev and his associates, to the leftist press over the years and its actors, achievements and problems now.
The NOVO VREME website can be found at www.novovreme.com.After its launch, the work will continue with the filling of the sections and sections with new and older publications, with the improvement of the possibilities of searching the materials by keyword, by title and by author, with the creation of the fund of photos, audio and video materials, with improving links with the magazine’s partner sites and with others relevant to its content, aims and objectives.
In order for the new site to quickly become the sought-after good platform for information and analysis about the defining ideas and processes in society today, we will rely especially heavily on the empathy of our authors and readers, the friends of Novo Vreme magazine, who we expect to become many times over. more. At the e-mail of the magazine [email protected], we are waiting for your questions and suggestions about the site and, of course, texts on the issues that we propose to discuss and develop in an electronic environment and in the book edition. /NV/
#125th #anniversary #magazine #Novo #Vreme #website