Home » today » World » For Sofia-Pride 2022. and for one more thing – 2024-03-05 23:23:37

For Sofia-Pride 2022. and for one more thing – 2024-03-05 23:23:37

/ world today news/ The 15th edition of “Sofia-Pride-2022” will be held on 18.06.2022. Thank God “we barely waited”… Only one year, but it seemed like “an eternity”…

The preparation started already from the previous pride in 2021. This year, the composition of the participants will be even more colorful: from the humble NGO “Deistvie” and several more LGBTI associations and foundations from Bulgaria to more impressive groups of “imported” LGBTI activists. The participants are expected to be personally supported by diplomats from the embassies of the USA, Great Britain, Denmark, Germany, France, Austria, the Baltic States, etc. The program is on the rise – more expensive, but nevertheless more diverse, more “innovative”, more colorful than the program of the previous prides. Apparently, foreign philanthropists have performed well and foreign funding is better than ever. It has hardly passed without the contribution of some embassies in Sofia, UNICEF and UNESCO, the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, European programs and funds, as well as large foreign companies on the Bulgarian market, whose names have long been a secret.

The behavior of foreign embassies in Bulgaria in this matter no longer surprises anyone. For years it repeats itself in an expanding progression. Obviously, the aspiration is to quietly become a tradition. For this purpose, diplomatic missions use all modern means of communication. Articles are published on social networks, videos are taken and shown, diplomats offer public congratulations and encouraging calls, embassies distribute written declarations. And no one wants to realize that this is being done in flagrant contradiction with international diplomatic law. The taking of a side by a diplomatic mission in events of a political nature on the territory of the receiving country is incompatible with the functions of diplomatic missions, regulated in Article 3 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (VCC), which states:

Article 3 1. Of VCDO

The functions of the diplomatic mission consist in particular of the following:

a) in representing the sending country in the receiving country;

b) in defending in the receiving country the interests of the sending country and its nationals within the limits permitted by international law;

(c) in negotiations with the host government;

(d) in clarifying by all lawful means conditions and developments in the receiving State and communicating them to the Government of the sending State;

f) in promoting friendly relations between the sending country and the receiving country and in developing their relations in the fields of economy, culture and science.

Diplomatic missions are official state bodies with extraterritorial action. They are admitted to the territory of the host country on the condition that they comply with the diplomatic status enshrined in dozens of legally binding international acts. Their main function is representative, enshrined in Article 3, item A of the VCDO. The head of the diplomatic mission represents his head of state before the foreign head of state. The sending country has the right to place its own national flag on the building of the mission, the residence of the head and his official car, which is also an expression of representativeness. For the performance of their functions, diplomatic officers enjoy a range of privileges and immunities. But the legal status of a diplomatic officer is not an end in itself, but rather a carefully balanced balance of rights and obligations.

Against their diplomatic immunity, missions and their staff are obliged to respect the laws of the host country and the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of the host country. They have no right to interfere in political life in any way – neither politically nor financially. They have no right to participate in the political process, for example by supporting political parties or interfering in elections. Diplomatic officers and their head are not entitled to public statements affecting the activities of any of the three branches of government – ​​legislative, executive and judicial. A particularly serious violation is the disavowal of the Constitution and the decisions of the Constitutional Court of the host country. Such manifestations are incompatible with diplomatic status. Diplomatic law has provided the receiving state with various international legal means to sanction violations of diplomatic status by diplomatic missions or individual employees.

Financing from a diplomatic representation of legal entities in the host country is categorically inadmissible. Financial means may be provided by a diplomatic mission only for publicly known charitable purposes – for culture, education, health care. However, charity does not mean funding. Funding of the non-governmental sector by a diplomatic mission is also considered a violation of diplomatic status. Diplomatic missions are not entitled to any economic, commercial or financial activity on the territory of the host country. An exception is allowed only for the provision of consular services.

Unequal treatment of diplomatic missions towards various participants in social and political life violates one of the main requirements of the diplomatic status – neutrality arising from the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of the receiving state. In this sense, the unequal attitude of the diplomatic representations in Sofia towards the manifestations of the LGBTI community and those of the parent movement is surprising. Heads or employees of foreign diplomatic missions regularly participate in paid events in support of the LGBTI community in line with the thesis of protecting women from domestic violence. At the same time, the same representatives refuse participation in charity events supporting the family and traditional family values, organized by the parenting movement. The preference for the events of gender organizations compared to the initiatives of the parent movement speaks of motives incompatible with diplomatic status.

One of the novelties of this year’s “Sofia-Pride-2022” is the public support of ministers from the current Bulgarian government. These are the Minister of Justice Nadezhda Yordanova, the Minister of the Environment Borislav Sandov and the strangest thing – the Minister of Health Asena Serbezova. It is not clear in what capacity these persons expressed their support for “Sofia-Pride-2022” – members of the “PETKOV cabinet” or members of the “YES-BULGARIA” PP. Their professional profile has no points of contact with the topic of protecting the rights of persons with non-traditional sexual orientation, with the sole exception of the Minister of Justice. But for an ecologist and a medical person to approve the ideology of the LGBTI movement, which promotes biological experiments with children and youth for sex change, for hormonal suppression of an unstrengthened sexual organism, this is a strange professional “achievement”… The position of the mayor of Sofia Yuordanka Fandakova. The Bulgarian Prosecutor’s Office also took a side, expressed indirectly, immediately before Sofia Pride 2022. The Prosecutor’s Office submitted to the National Assembly a proposal for changes to the Penal Code for the criminalization of separate criminal groups, which are attributed discriminatory motives based on sexual orientation.

This doomed the hopes of a part of our public that the report to the Prosecutor’s Office about expected violations of public order, violation of the rights of minor children and their parents, during and on the territory of Sofia-Pride-2022, will be checked with the prescribed by law seriousness.

Today’s Bulgaria is a strange country – representatives of the executive power support a position incompatible with two decisions of the Constitutional Court – Decision 27.07.2018. according to Code No. 3 of 2018 and Decision No. 15 of 26.10.2021. of the SC/RB according to Code No. 6 of 2021

On the other side of the dividing line, there are ongoing processes of consolidation of the opponents of public pride. The vast majority of the population does not approve of their implementation to one degree or another. Forcing Bulgaria to accept gender ideology under foreign political and financial dictation gives rise to increasingly conscious public resistance. Under the influence of the naturally forming parent movement, led by non-governmental organizations such as ROD, BRCC, AOC, PS, parties such as MIR, Vazrazhdane, VMRO, the religious denominations BOC, the Mufti, the Protestant Church, scientific units and individual scientists, increasingly and Disapproval of public demonstrations and the penetration of LGBTI ideology into the state apparatus, law enforcement and law enforcement agencies, the educational system and culture is authoritatively voiced. This year, three political parties supported by ROD, BRCC, AOC, PS, Freedom for Everyone, etc. requested the Mayor of Sofia, the Prosecutor’s Office, the Ministry of the Interior to prohibit the holding of “Sofia-pride” on various legal grounds.

The “Patriots for Sofia” group of VMRO in the Municipal Council in Sofia asked the Mayor of Sofia, Yordanka Fandakova, to ban “Sofia-pride”. According to them, it is a harmful and immoral event that costs the Bulgarian taxpayers hundreds of thousands of BGN.

Political party MIR (Morality, Initiative, Patriotism) submitted a letter to the Minister of Internal Affairs, Boyko Rashkov, with a request to ban the holding of “Sofia Pride”, scheduled for June 18 this year. MIR warned that Pride in Sofia carries a huge risk of disrupting public order in the capital. The MIR party also insists that the Metropolitan Municipality does not approve the holding of “Sofia Pride” in front of the Monument to the Soviet Army, as this will lead to serious public tension and there is a risk of riots in Sofia. MIR believes that the holding of “Sofia Pride” violates seriously the rights of the majority of the Bulgarian society, as well as the ethical and moral societal norms.

PP “Vazrazhdane” sharply protested against the holding of Prides of the LGBTI community in Bulgaria. The party stated that they are categorically opposed to the holding of such events on the territory of the country. They stand in defense of the moral purity and innocence of children and the growing half-generation of Bulgaria.

As surprising as it is, the Prime Minister and several ministers openly sided with the LGBTI community – a small and insignificant social group, against the vast majority of the Bulgarian people. Although it is not a question of the entire government, the fact that the executive power is beginning to reorient itself to a position that does not recognize the right of the vast majority of the population to live according to their spiritual traditions, Constitution and laws cannot but cause “regret” and protests. After the group of Bulgarian MEPs in the EP, with some exceptions, the government is the second important state institution that gradually takes the position of the LGBTI movement. The Prosecutor’s Office and the Court are under pressure, including VKS and KS. Pressure is also exerted on the National Assembly. Attempts are being made to mold an LGBTI parliamentary majority, to lobby in favor of certain laws serving LGBTI interests. The aim is to seize legislative and judicial power. The aspiration is for complete subjugation of the state, for which a political party-LGBTI proxy is used.



IMPORTANT!!! Facebook limits us because of our positions! Share on your profiles, groups and pages and this way we will overcome the restrictions and people will reach the alternative point of view of the events!?


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