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for Sébastien Reichenbach, “all …

Between rumors of postponement and estimates of a date for returning to competition, Sébastien Reichenbach’s professional cycling daily has been surrounded by uncertainty in recent weeks. “It’s really nice to finally have a date for the postponement of the Tour,” said the Groupama-FDJ climber. “This allows runners and teams to project themselves towards a recovery objective.”

The best at the top for the Worlds

Besides, for the Martignerain, the postponement of the Great Loop which will run between August 29 and September 20 – two months after the date initially planned – is rather good news for the 2020 Worlds in Aigle and Martigny. Worlds which are maintained between September 20 and 27.

Normally, directly after the Tour, the San Sebastian classic is run and it is each time riders present in France who obtain the best results.

Sébastien Reichenbach, climber of Groupama-FDJ

“Coming out of three weeks of racing, it will not be difficult for runners to stay focused for another week. In addition, there will not be many other races in August, so all the best riders will be on the Tour and they will be ready for the Worlds. “

Aren’t they at risk of experiencing a little slack after three weeks of effort on the Tour de France? “It won’t be a problem,” said the reigning Swiss champion. “Normally, directly after the Tour, the classic San Sebastian race takes place and it is each time riders present in France who obtain the best results there. On top of that, transferring him from Paris to Switzerland will not be too physically demanding. ”

Read also : Cycling: the 2020 World Championships in Aigle and Martigny maintained, despite the postponement of the Tour de France

A great ride and that’s it

The online race for the World Championships – scheduled for Sunday, September 27 – therefore seems to promise great contests for the title of world champion. Sébastien Reichenbach, like many others, is already salivating. Before perhaps “drooling” when it comes to planning the rest of their season. “The Giro and the Vuelta should follow each other right after the Worlds, it seems to me impossible this season to align on two big laps, but that will offer the possibility for all the riders to live this kind of experience.”

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