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For reasons of conscience he switched from ÖVP to FPÖ

Lawyer Mag. Gottfried Forsthuber is still known to many from the difficult Corona times. It was a time of measures that violated fundamental rights, which led the lawyer to leave the ÖVP for reasons of conscience – and switch to the Freedom Party. In his words, this party is the only one that has the strength and the will to deal with the past – and above all to change the current situation.

On YouTube, we titled the article “Freedom fighter lawyer Forsthuber…” – and that’s true. The freedom of people is close to the heart of the combative lawyer. In this program, we have taken on two main topics, on the one hand, the globalist compulsion to install a smart meter in every household – and on the other hand, the state of affairs in the defense of the ORF fee, which many people consider to be inappropriate, if not illegal. Mag. Forsthuber is currently conducting a preferential vote election campaign on the FPÖ federal list for the National Council (Report24 reported).

With regard to smart meters, lawyer Forsthuber has many stories to tell that his clients have brought to his attention. Many energy providers are taking action against their own customers with incomprehensible aggression, who want to ward off the “spy in their own house”. Forsthuber has just won an important victory in court – if the topic concerns you, listen and watch our 40-minute interview.

The second part deals with the status of the ORF’s fee demands, which are also accompanied by some absurd anecdotes. Most of the documents that are in circulation are not legal, explains the lawyer – at least as far as an obligation to pay is concerned. The law states that the fees are set by notice. As long as such a notice is not available, the payment request is not binding.

The only thing you have to be careful of is a document with the title “enforceable arrears”. If correct notices do arrive at some point, you can contest them. Forsthuber considers the fact that the ORF also takes a lot of “bucket money” from companies to be particularly indecent – and that with substandard, biased reporting. What working person has time to watch TV all day while at work?

Image: Attorney Gottfried Forsthuber

Mag. Forsthuber presents his personal election program on this homepage. If you want to find out more, you can read more here.

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