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For public freedoms, rally in Toulon on December 12

Withdrawal of the global security law!

Since the start of the five-year term, the government has pursued an authoritarian drift in the management of the health crisis as in the maintenance of order and the functioning of institutions. Even though it has demonstrated its inability to take appropriate measures to protect the population, the government is using the epidemic to impose restrictions on freedoms. Emergency laws follow one another and, in fact, the “normal” functioning of the Republic is put in brackets. Alert! The Ministry of the Interior published on December 4 three new decrees authorizing the registration of individuals according to their political, philosophical or religious opinions by monitoring social networks!

While the proposed “global security” law has been denounced by the UN, by the European Court of Human Rights, by the defender of human rights, the UN rapporteurs deeming it “incompatible with international human rights law. human rights “, the government persists in passing the “Global Security” law. Why this stubbornness if not to suppress social movements, to silence all dissent and all disputes? It is to impose more and more brutally its policy of destroying social rights and reinforce its attacks against the world of work, youth and retirees … The Global Security law aims in particular to liquidate freedom of expression in general, freedom of the press and the right to demonstrate in particular:

– by deregulating the use of mobile cameras carried by the police (art. 21),

– by legalizing surveillance by drones (art. 22),

– by preventing police repressions from being filmed (art. 24).

In the continuity of the gatherings and demonstrations of November 28 and December 5, we decide not to let go. We demand the withdrawal of the comprehensive security bill and the end of all freedom-killing laws and decrees.

That’s why we call to come together

Saturday 12 December 10 a.m. Place de l’Opéra in Toulon.


FSU, Solidarity

EELV, Generation.s, LFI, NPA, POI

Popular and thematic Sunday assembly, Popular and citizen assembly of greater Toulon, Attac, CAL83, Collectif motards 83, Committee of Resistance and Reconquest of Var, yellow vests of Bandol, Yellow vests Gapeau Valley, LDH, UCL

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